Asbestos Exposure
Filing William Powell Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Claims
Ohio Asbestos Lawyer
representing William Powell Workers in Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Claims
The William Powell Company, founded in Cincinnati, Ohio, manufactures and distributes a variety of bronze, iron and steel industrial valves. The company has been a large valve producer for many years, and for decades manufactured valves that contained toxic asbestos materials in their packing and gaskets.
The William Powell valve company has owned large production facilities in Cincinnati for well over a hundred years, and many of the buildings contained asbestos as a common insulator on factory floors, and throughout the facilities.
As a result, many William Powell employees were exposed to asbestos at the workplace and are at risk of later developing asbestos-related diseases like asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Some Powell valves manufactured before 1987 were known to contain asbestos. Most claims are related to exposures occurring through the 1980s. Several lawsuits have been filed in recent years, naming William Powell Co. as a negligent party, responsible for endangering the health of not only direct employees but many consumers and workers around the country.
Former William Powell workers have been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, and other asbestos-related illnesses.
Joe Lyon is a highly-rated Cincinnati asbestos lawyer and Ohio personal injury attorney representing plaintiffs nationwide in a wide variety of toxic tort and mesothelioma claims.
William Powell Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos was regularly used in factories like William Powell as industrial insulation and a fire-resistant precaution. The William Powell buildings were occupied for many years, and deteriorated areas around the facilities may have been the site of the most obvious asbestos hazards, possibly around the following locations:
- Cement piping
- Pipe and boiler insulation
- Spray-applied fireproofing
- Damaged drywall or plaster
- Floor tiles or ceiling panels
- Heating equipment
- Peeling paint
- Vinyl tiles and flooring
- Furnace and radiator insulation
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William Powell Workers Risk Mesothelioma
Almost any worker in a building lined with asbestos insulation risks some level occupational exposure. Regular exposure may endanger a worker more than usual, though medical research indicates there is no safe level of asbestos exposure.
Some William Powell workers were at a particularly high risk of inhaling asbestos fibers. Employees who directly handled asbestos packing materials and products were most likely heavily exposed. Boiler room and maintenance crew were also at high risk in enclosed areas.
Factory machines, including lathes, grinders, and conveyor systems may have also contained asbestos insulation, putting any factory floor worker at risk. Some individual positions considered high-risk:
- Lathe and drill press operators
- Grinding operators
- Maintenance Crews
- Boiler room workers
- Insulators
- Warehouse picking and packing workers
- Shipping employees
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
Loose asbestos fibers can be inhaled and lodged in the lungs, causing scarring and tumors. The damage cause by asbestos fibers can lay dormant in the lungs for decades, eventually leading to cancer and mesothelioma.
By the time symptoms appear, mesothelioma has most likely advanced to a later, fatal stage of cancer. Symptoms of mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer may include the following:
- Chest pain
- Persistent cough
- Trouble breathing
- Trouble swallowing
- Lumps of tissue on chest
- Swelling of the abdomen
- Unexplained weight loss
William Powell Workers Lawsuits
Former employees at Cincinnati, Ohio’s William Powell Company have been diagnosed with asbestosis, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related conditions. Because of the common use of asbestos at Ohio factory workplaces, many workers have been affected by asbestos-related diseases, and now seek financial compensation.
Attorneys for mesothelioma victims contend that management knew about the health hazards of asbestos and failed to protect employees.
Lawyers claim that manufacturers like William Powell have known the dangers of asbestos materials since at least the 1940s, but continued producing and distributing products because of little governmental regulation and oversight.
Some recent, high-profile lawsuits have targeted William Powell as a defendant. In one instance where a retired U.S. Navy welder developed lung cancer due to asbestos exposure, a jury awarded his family with a verdict worth over $20 million.
The victim regularly performed repairs and maintenance to asbestos-containing marine equipment, including William Powell valves. Several other similar claims have been settled by the William Powell Company, and many more cases are pending.
William Powell Asbestos Settlements
The Lyon Firm is a Cincinnati, Ohio law firm dedicated to representing injured plaintiffs and families in asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits. Contact an Asbestos trust fund attorney to reach a settlement and seek compensation.

Many experience asbestos exposure through the workplace. Workplaces may have been filled with toxic materials, and employers may have failed to warn of the serious health risks of the job. Filing a suit helps to raise the awareness of job safety.
Questions about William Powell Asbestos Exposure
If you were exposed to asbestos at your workplace, and have developed cancer or a related illness, you are likely to qualify for compensation.
The success rates of settlements regarding asbestos exposure injury are quite high. It may be necessary to prove that occupational exposure is the primary cause of lung cancer or mesothelioma, though this is the job of The Lyon Firm, and we have experience in reaching large mesothelioma settlements.
Our Firm will help you find the answers. The Firm has the experience, resources and dedication to take on difficult and emotional cases and help our clients obtain the justice for the wrong they have suffered.
Experience: Joe Lyon is an experienced Asbestos Lawyer. The Lyon Firm has 19 years of experience and success representing individuals and plaintiffs in all fifty states, and in a variety of complex civil litigation matters. Asbestos lawsuits can be complex and require industry experts to determine the root cause of an accident or injury. Mr. Lyon has worked with experts nationwide to assist individuals understand why an injury occurred and what can be done to improve their lives in the future. Some cases may go to a jury trial, though many others can be settled out of court.
Resources/Dedication: The Lyon Firm is dedicated to building the strongest cases possible for clients and their critical interests.
Results: Mr. Lyon has obtained numerous seven and six figure asbestos settlements.
The Lyon Firm aggressively, professionally, and passionately advocates for injured individuals and families against companies due to asbestos exposure.
Asbestos (Mesothelioma)
Asbestos (Mesothelioma)
Answer a few general questions.
A member of our legal team will review your case.
We will determine, together with you, what makes sense for the next step for you and your family to take.
Asbestos Information Center
- Mesothelioma
- Asbestosis
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- colorectal cancer
- esophageal cancer
- Adenocarcinoma
- Welders
- Electricians
- Machinists
- Shipyard Workers
- Power Plants
- Steel Plants
- Akron Firestone
- Akron BF Goodrich
- Allen Refractories
- Alliance Exposure Sites
- Elyria, Ohio
- Allis Chalmers
- Alpha Portland
- American Shipbuilding – Lorain OH
- American Tool Works
- AP Green
- Ashland Oil
- Asphalt & Concrete Exposure
- Avon Lake OH
- Hospital Workers
- Babcock & Wilcox
- Brewery Workers
- Mobil Chemical
- Diebold
- Dayton Malleable
- Delco
- Dental Equipment
- Eagle Picher
- Empire Detroit Steel
- Ford Brook Plant
- General Electric- Kentucky
- General Electric-Ohio
- General Motors Plant
- Goodyear Plant
- Howard Paper Plant
- International Paper Mills
- Kentucky Asbestos Sites
- Chemical Plants
- Oil Refineries
- Midland Steel
- North American Refractories
- Ohio Dupont Plants
- Paper Mills
- Ohio River Barge Workers
- Schools
- Owens Corning
- PG Plant- Lima
- Republic Steel
- Asbestos School Supplies
- Shell Oil Refinery
- Stark County Jail
- Timken Company
- Westinghouse Electric
- WH Sammis Stratton Plant
- Wheeling Pittsburgh
- Middletown Workers
- Asbestos Insulation
- Akron Rubber Plants
- Akron Industrial Workers
- American Electric Power Company
- Ashtabula Work Sites
- Atlantic Foundry Ohio
- Chem-Dyne Hamilton
- Cincinnati Bottling Works
- Cincinnati Valve Company
- Garland Haswell Dayton
- Hamilton Steel Plants
- Harrison Radiator
- Ironton Industrial Workers
- Keytruda Treatment
- Maintenance Workers
- Mechanics
- Dayton Work Sites
- Aluminum Plants
- RE Kramig Co
- Renovation Work
- Western Electric Columbus
- William Powell
- Indiana Michigan Power Plant
- Brier Hill Works
- WR Grace
- DII Industries
- Stark Ceramics
- armstrong
- electrode Corp
- Coleman Trucking
- Railroad Friction
- A-best products
- US Steel
- Union Carbide
- Square D
- Koller Craft
- Bethlehem Shipbuilding
- Steel Mill Asbestos
- Asbestos in Steel Plants
- CAMPBELL Asbestos
- Electrode Corporation Asbestos
- Steel Worker Asbestos
- Foundry Asbestos
- GM Workers Asbestos
- Kaiser Steel Asbestos
- Machinist Asbestos Exposure
- Newport Steel Asbestos
- Steel Factory Asbestos
- IRON WORKS Asbestos