Asbestos Exposure
Reviewing Mobil Chemical Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Claims
Ohio Asbestos Lawyer
Investigating Cincinnati Mobile Chemical Workers with Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Claims
Typical health hazards associated with working in a chemical production facility, such as Mobil Chemical, include inhaling toxic fumes and asbestos fibers, both of which may cause serious illness and even death.
Into the 1970s, asbestos was commonly utilized in the chemical production industry, and considered the most effective heat-resistant insulator available. As a result, Mobil chemical plant workers in Cincinnati and throughout Ohio were regularly exposed to toxic asbestos materials, later proven to cause deadly cancers like lung cancer and mesothelioma.
In many situations, chemical plants like Mobil took few precautions to protect workers from the dangers of airborne asbestos, and failed to warn workers of these perilous risks. This gross negligence resulted in hundreds of Ohio Mobil chemical plant workers developing asbestos-related diseases.
Nearly any worker at the Cincinnati Mobil Chemical plant could be at risk of developing serious health issues, including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma.
Joe Lyon is a highly-rated Ohio asbestos lawyer investigating mesothelioma and lung cancer claims for former Cincinnati Mobile Chemical workers. The Firm works nationally and accepts cases on full contingency to eliminate the financial risk from the family.
Mobil Chemical Asbestos Exposure
Chemical plants like Mobil used large amounts of piping that connected manufacturing and industrial facilities. These pipes, as well as tanks, boilers and pumps, and other common equipment on factory floors contained asbestos.
In other words, asbestos material was everywhere, and nearly any former worker at Mobil Chemical in Cincinnati, Ohio could be at risk of developing serious health issues, including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma.
Unfortunately, there were certain positions at a higher risk than usual for inhaling asbestos fibers and developing asbestos-related disease. Mobil Chemical positions in particular risk include the following:
• Engineers
• Maintenance workers
• Electricians
• Pump system operators
• Boilermakers
• Pipefitters
• Welders
Mobil Chemical Asbestos Cancer
Asbestos was used to insulate equipment and machinery in Mobil chemical plants. Anyone working in a production area was likely to inhale asbestos fibers, which can get lodged in tissue surrounding the lungs and cause long-term damage. In many chemical production plants, asbestos even lined the clothing chemical workers wore for protection.
Some employees in the past may have even been issued face masks lined with asbestos. Various other applications of asbestos in the workplace endangered employees of Mobil in Cincinnati, Ohio.
People who develop asbestos-related diseases are usually exposed to it on a regular basis, most often in a workplace, or through “substantial environmental contact.” Former Mobil workers in Ohio who have developed mesothelioma may have claims against the company.
Symptoms of Asbestos-Related Disease
Because mesothelioma and asbestosis is likely to lay dormant for many years, serious symptoms may not present until many years after first exposure. When they do appear, however, symptoms may include the following:
• Pain in the chest
• Pain in the lower back
• Trouble breathing
• Coughing
• Fever
• Excessive sweating
• Fatigue
• Weight loss
• Trouble swallowing
According to the National Cancer Institute, how asbestos exposure affects an individual is determined by the following factors:
• Dose (how much asbestos was involved in the exposure)
• Duration of exposure
• Size, shape, and chemical makeup of the particular asbestos fibers
• Source of the exposure
• Other individual risk factors, such as smoking and pre-existing lung disease
Asbestos Exposure at Mobil Chemical
Chemical companies, like Mobil Chemical in Cincinnati, Ohio, have a responsibility to provide workers with a safe working environment. When companies fail to protect employees, they are held accountable by the American court system, and they are required to compensate employees and families for the undue damage they have caused.
Mobil Chemical has been a target of several lawsuits involving occupational negligence. Former workers who have developed health issues derived from their position at Mobil have valid claims against the company. Please do not hesitate to seek out an experienced attorney.
The Lyon Firm aggressively, professionally, and passionately advocates for injured individuals and families against companies due to asbestos exposure.
Asbestos (Mesothelioma)
Asbestos (Mesothelioma)
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A member of our legal team will review your case.
We will determine, together with you, what makes sense for the next step for you and your family to take.
Asbestos Exposure Information Center
- Mesothelioma
- Asbestosis
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- colorectal cancer
- esophageal cancer
- Adenocarcinoma
- Welders
- Electricians
- Machinists
- Shipyard Workers
- Power Plants
- Steel Plants
- Akron Firestone
- Akron BF Goodrich
- Allen Refractories
- Alliance Exposure Sites
- Elyria, Ohio
- Allis Chalmers
- Alpha Portland
- American Shipbuilding – Lorain OH
- American Tool Works
- AP Green
- Ashland Oil
- Asphalt & Concrete Exposure
- Avon Lake OH
- Hospital Workers
- Babcock & Wilcox
- Brewery Workers
- Mobil Chemical
- Diebold
- Dayton Malleable
- Delco
- Dental Equipment
- Eagle Picher
- Empire Detroit Steel
- Ford Brook Plant
- General Electric- Kentucky
- General Electric-Ohio
- General Motors Plant
- Goodyear Plant
- Howard Paper Plant
- International Paper Mills
- Kentucky Asbestos Sites
- Chemical Plants
- Oil Refineries
- Midland Steel
- North American Refractories
- Ohio Dupont Plants
- Paper Mills
- Ohio River Barge Workers
- Schools
- Owens Corning
- PG Plant- Lima
- Republic Steel
- Asbestos School Supplies
- Shell Oil Refinery
- Stark County Jail
- Timken Company
- Westinghouse Electric
- WH Sammis Stratton Plant
- Wheeling Pittsburgh
- Middletown Workers
- Asbestos Insulation
- Akron Rubber Plants
- Akron Industrial Workers
- American Electric Power Company
- Ashtabula Work Sites
- Atlantic Foundry Ohio
- Chem-Dyne Hamilton
- Cincinnati Bottling Works
- Cincinnati Valve Company
- Garland Haswell Dayton
- Hamilton Steel Plants
- Harrison Radiator
- Ironton Industrial Workers
- Keytruda Treatment
- Maintenance Workers
- Mechanics
- Dayton Work Sites
- Aluminum Plants
- RE Kramig Co
- Renovation Work
- Western Electric Columbus
- William Powell
- Indiana Michigan Power Plant
- Brier Hill Works
- WR Grace
- DII Industries
- Stark Ceramics
- armstrong
- electrode Corp
- Coleman Trucking
- Railroad Friction
- A-best products
- US Steel
- Union Carbide
- Square D
- Koller Craft
- Bethlehem Shipbuilding
- Steel Mill Asbestos
- Asbestos in Steel Plants
- CAMPBELL Asbestos
- Electrode Corporation Asbestos
- Steel Worker Asbestos
- Foundry Asbestos
- GM Workers Asbestos
- Kaiser Steel Asbestos
- Machinist Asbestos Exposure
- Newport Steel Asbestos
- Steel Factory Asbestos
- IRON WORKS Asbestos