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Washington FELA Railroad Lawsuits

Railroad Cancer Lawyer Reviewing Washington Diesel Exposure Claims
Freight train on tracks with diesel exhaust

Railroad Toxic Exposure Attorney

Washington railroad workers have been at an increased risk of cancer at several rail yards across the state as a result of many rail companies using toxic materials on work sites. Washington railroaders have reported chronic exposure to diesel exhaust, benzene, asbestos, welding fumes, ballast rock silica dust, creosote, solvents and other hazardous substances linked to occupational lung diseases.

Railroad injury lawyers and Washington FELA attorneys are investigating diesel cancer cases and other occupational illnesses associated with employment at various railyards. Contact our toxic exposure lawyers if you or a loved one has worked for years for the railroad and has been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, COPD, AML, lung cancer or another serious lung disease.

What Washington Railroad Workers Are at Cancer Risk?

Studies have shown that many different types of workers at rail yards around the world are at increased risk of lung cancer due to heavy exposure to diesel fumes and other toxins. Diesel locomotives can guzzle hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel on a given day, and expel a great deal of toxic exhaust at rail yards.

Conductors, engineers, carmen, trackmen and brakemen who spend years working the rail lines likely face chronic diesel exposure, and are at an increased risk of developing COPD, diesel asthma, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer and AML. Beryllium, chromium, and nickel found in diesel exhaust particulates are linked to higher risks of laryngeal and esophageal cancer.

Many track maintenance and maintenance of way workers have an increased risk of developing blood cancers, AML, silicosis and other occupational cancers due to handling railroad ties covered in creosote, and disturbing ballast rock that may contain large amounts of toxic silica dust. Many crews also handle pesticides and herbicides which have strong links to non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Other workers at railyards like diesel mechanics, pipefitters, welders, electricians and machinists who worked in roundhouses or small workshops on site may have been tasked with working around many toxins like asbestos, welding fumes, benzene-containing solvents, adhesives, and degreasers in poorly ventilated areas. This can dramatically increase the risk of cancer.

COPD and Railroad Diesel Exhaust

COPD is a common lung disease among former railroaders who inhaled a great deal of diesel smoke and other irritants over the course of a career. Occupational exposures to cadmium dust, herbicides, silica dust, benzene, diesel exhaust, and welding fumes are among the top risk factors that contribute to emphysema, diesel asthma, COPD and other serious medical conditions. Welding steel produces a toxic solution of iron, chromium, titanium, and manganese. Exposure to welding fumes can lead to several cancers, including cancer of the urinary tract, nervous system, bladder, lungs, liver and kidney.

What is Available in Railroad FELA Settlements?

Any individual who is injured or contracts a work-related cancer after working at a Washington railroad worksite can seek FELA compensation for damages that can include the following:

  • Medical Expenses: all costs related to a railroad cancer or lung disease can be covered if your health insurance falls short of covering 100 percent of the bills. All expenses past and future can be reimbursed, including bills for treatments, medications, consultations with specialists, surgeries, long-term care and rehab programs.
  • Lost Wages: lost earnings due to a diesel exposure cancer like AML or lung cancer, or railroad injury can be compensated by any negligent company. Future earnings may also be supplemented if a railroader cannot return to the workplace in the same capacity.
  • Nonmaterial damages: we will seek damages related to pain and suffering, emotional distress, reduced quality of life, loss of companionship, and in some cases, wrongful death.


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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.

The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.


The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.


What Lung Diseases are linked to Railroad Diesel Exposure?

  • Lung Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
  • Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
  • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  • Emphysema
  • RADS (Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome)
  • Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis 

Despite better oversight by NIOSH and OSHA that have improved work safety standards, there is still a high risk of toxic exposure at rail yards due to the amount of hazardous substances on site. Acute and chronic toxic exposures are still probable in many cases.

After a confirmed lung disease or cancer diagnosis, Washington railroaders may be able to file Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) injury claims. If more compensation is necessary to ensure a stable financial future, a personal injury lawsuit may also be considered. Contact our attorneys to discuss your legal options.

Where Are Washington Railroad Workers at Risk?

  • Auburn Yard
  • Cheney Yard (BNSF/WER)
  • Coulee City Yard (WER)
  • Everett Delta Yard (BNSF)
  • Fife Yard (UP)
  • Davenport Yard (WER)
  • Kettle Falls Yard (STPP)
  • Longview Junction (LVSW)
  • Newport Yard (POVA)
  • Pasco Yard (BNSF)
  • Lampson Yard (BNSF)
  • Reardan Yard (WER)
  • Argo Yard (UP)
  • Balmer Yard (BNSF)
  • South Seattle (BNSF)
  • Stacy Yard/Seattle Intermodal Gateway (BNSF)
  • East Spokane Yard (UP)
  • Erie Street Yard (BNSF/UP)
  • Hillyard Yard (BNSF)
  • Yardley Yard (BNSF)
  • Tide Flats Yard (TMRW)
  • Tacoma Yard (BNSF)
  • Usk Yard & Shops (POVA)
  • Vancouver Yard (BNSF)
  • Warden Yard (BNSF)
  • Wishram Yard (BNSF)

Why Hire The Lyon Firm?

The FELA lawyers and railroad injury attorneys at The Lyon Firm have the resources and dedication to build a strong case on your behalf and settle your toxic exposure case for the best possible compensation package available. We have twenty years of experience in filing toxic exposure and work injury lawsuits, and feel very strongly that any railroad worker that is injured or falls ill on the job has a right to ensure better health and more financial stability.

Compile your work history and medical records and call our railroad cancer attorneys to begin filing the necessary claims. We believe any negligent rail company that fails to protect workers in the field has a duty to compensate them for their losses. We have settled past cases for six- and seven-figures, aiming to hold negligent corporations accountable for unsafe work environments.

Washington Railroad Cancer FAQ

What are some known toxins at rail yards?

Workers have fallen ill due to acute and chronic exposures to paint, paint thinners, adhesives, asbestos insulation, asbestos brake linings, diesel fumes, ballast dust and silica dust, benzene, solvents, degreasers, welding fumes, pesticides, creosote and other carcinogens.

Why file a railroad cancer lawsuit?

Many workers may think they knew the risks of working in the railroad industry, which has always had a spotty safety record. But if a company was negligent in safety training, and failed to provide basic safety equipment, they can be held accountable for any injury or illness that results. Families work hard to make ends meet and when an occupational illness makes it impossible to work any longer, compensation becomes necessary, perhaps with the help of a railroad cancer attorney.

What are some large Washington State rail yards?
  • Auburn Yard
  • Cheney Yard (BNSF/WER)
  • Coulee City Yard (WER)
  • Everett Delta Yard (BNSF)
  • Fife Yard (UP)
  • Davenport Yard (WER)
  • Kettle Falls Yard (STPP)
  • Longview Junction (LVSW)
  • Newport Yard (POVA)
  • Pasco Yard (BNSF)
  • Lampson Yard (BNSF)
  • Reardan Yard (WER)
  • Argo Yard (UP)
  • Balmer Yard (BNSF)
  • South Seattle (BNSF)
  • Stacy Yard/Seattle Intermodal Gateway (BNSF)
  • East Spokane Yard (UP)
  • Erie Street Yard (BNSF/UP)
  • Hillyard Yard (BNSF)
  • Yardley Yard (BNSF)
  • Tide Flats Yard (TMRW)
  • Tacoma Yard (BNSF)
  • Usk Yard & Shops (POVA)
  • Vancouver Yard (BNSF)
  • Warden Yard (BNSF)
  • Wishram Yard (BNSF)