Household Chemicals & Toxic Exposure
Potentially dangerous household chemicals are used every day in the homes of millions of Americans. When these dangerous products are improperly stored or used, serious health problems can result for you and particularly for young children.
Household chemicals and cleaning products, solvents and pesticides can be safe when used as directed, but continual use or acute inhalation injury can result in severe respiratory injury and possibly death. Following injuries and wrongful deaths, product liability attorneys investigate whether those manufacturing and distributing the products have properly warned consumers of the dangers.
Joe Lyon is a highly-rated Toxic Exposure Attorney and Product Liability Lawyer representing plaintiffs nationwide in a wide variety of household chemicals injury claims.
Hazardous Household Chemicals
Workplace Ventilation Risks is the key to preventing inhalation injury and household chemical injury. It is crucial to follow the safety instructions provided when using or storing any of the following household chemicals:
- Antifreeze—ethylene glycol and xylene inhalation can causes dizziness, and ingesting antifreeze can cause severe damage to the heart, kidneys and brain.
- Latex paint—some latex paint emits formaldehyde when drying, and lead to serious irritation of your eyes, nose and throat.
- Car Batteries—most wet-cell batteries contain sulfuric acid and lead. Batteries that contain sulfuric acid should be labeled. Sulfuric acid fumes are strongly irritating and contact can cause burning or blindness. Lead is poisonous in all forms.
- Safety Kleen & Liquid Wrench are both Benzene-based products linked to cancer.
- Windshield washer fluid can contain methanol, ethylene glycol, and isopropanol. These chemicals may cause damage to the nervous system, liver, kidneys, heart and brain.
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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.
The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.
Toxic Consumer Products
- Laundry detergents & Laundry Pods—Ingestion can result in nausea, vomiting, shock, convulsions and coma.
- All-purpose cleaners contain detergents, grease-cutting agents, solvents and disinfectants, including ammonia, ethylene glycol and others. Never mix two cleaners together, especially products containing ammonia and chlorine.
- Chlorine Bleach—liquid and vapors may irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat. Ingestion can cause severe chemical injury.
- Flea and tick treatment solutions—Pet flea and tick products contain toxic pesticides.
- Insecticides—diazinon, propoxur and chlorpyrifos may cause headache, dizziness, twitching and nausea.
- Dishwashing detergent—phosphate can produce skin irritation or chemical burns and may be poisonous if swallowed.
- Oven cleaners—sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide can cause serious burns to skin and eyes.
- Window and glass cleaner—ammonia and isopropanol
- Bait traps for insects and rodent bait—Insect baits include abarmectin, propoxur, trichlorfon, sulfluramid, chlorpyrifos, and boric acid. Baits for rodent control may contain warfarin.
- Toilet bowl cleaners—sodium hypochlorite or hydrochloric acid, and bleach can burn the skin or throat.
- Mold and mildew removers—chlorine and alkyl ammonium chlorides are fungicide chemicals found in mold and mildew removers. Wear mask and gloves when using these products.
- Drain cleaners—Lye can cause burns to skin and eyes, and sulfuric acid can damage the kidneys, liver, and digestive tract.
- Rug, carpet, and upholstery cleaners may contain perchloroethylene (PCE), naphthalene and ammonium hydroxide. The fumes may cause cancer and liver damage.
- Air fresheners contain formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, p-dichlorobenzene and aerosol propellants, which are linked to cancer and brain damage.
- Swimming pool chloride tablets
- Weed killers like glyphosate are associated with cancer and severe household chemicals injury.
The Lyon Firm focuses on toxic tort litigation and product liability lawsuits filed on behalf of injured plaintiffs. When consumers are injured as a result of unsafe products, companies can be held liable for the injuries and illnesses that result.

Many product liability cases have had a positive impact on public health and safety, and we have witnessed improved lives and future injuries prevented as companies are forced to remove products and change designs and warnings as a result of litigation.
Dangerous Household Chemicals Cases FAQ
Product liability lawsuits often contain causes of action for strict liability, negligence, and breach of warranty. Strict liability applies to different factors than negligence-based claims.
In negligence cases, the actions of the defendant are the focus. In strict liability claims, the focus is on the condition of a product at the time it left the manufacturer. If a product is determined to be defective, the company is liable for any foreseeable injuries that are in-part caused by the defective condition of the product.
Ohio Definition of Defective
A product is defective if it is unreasonably dangerous for its intended use. A legal cause of action can be based on several types of product defects. The following are Cincinnati product liability and strict liability claims available in Ohio and in most jurisdictions nationwide:
(1) Manufacturing/ Construction Defect:
These issues arise where the product is released from the factory in a manner that deviates from the intended design or specifications. The defect can be a result of using the wrong materials, including the wrong or completely foreign materials (e.g., Tylenol contamination, food poisoning, damaged car part from factory installation).
As a result of the deviation, the product enters the market in an unreasonably dangerous condition and the consumer is exposed to or purchases a product that is defective. Any personal injuries or economic loss that arise from the the defect are compensable under Ohio product liability law.
(2) Defective design and/or formulation:
Defective design product liability cases arise not because a mistake was made during the manufacturing process, but rather the original design of the product is unreasonably dangerous. A “risk benefit analysis” is used to determine whether safer/less expensive alternative designs were available to the manufacturer.
Federal regulations set minimum standards for the design of many consumer products, and preemption defenses may preclude liability in some situations if the manufacturer follows and obtains federal approval for a product. Automotive recalls and product liability cases are usually a result of a defective design. Common cases include the Toyota Brake Recall, Chrysler Gen III seat belt buckle, lap belt only cases, Metal on Metal hip implants, transvaginal mesh.)
(3) Failure to warn or inadequate warning or instruction associated with the product:
All consumer products come with necessary and appropriate warnings and instructions for use. If the lack of a warning makes the product and use of the product unsafe, the manufacturer is liable for the failure to place the warning. The most common area of litigation for failure to warn is in pharmaceutical litigation.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are required to warn of the known or foreseeable side effects and update the warnings in a timely manner. Litigation arises where there is evidence the manufacturer failed to timely update a warning in light of new data or simply ignored the risk and failed to conduct sufficient research to identify and then disclose the risk.
(4) Misrepresentation:
The product fails to conform to a representation or warranty. Warranty claims are more common in commercial and economic loss cases than in personal injury cases. In many States, The Product Liability Act does not apply to cases with only economic loss, because the Commercial Code provides recourse for breach of warranty.
The warranty may be written or implied based upon the products intended purpose and merchantability. An example of a breach of warranty cases are cases involving automotive defects.
Design and manufacturing defects result in thousands of product recalls each year in the United States, initiated by federal safety agencies. Following injury and illness, regardless of recall status, victims and plaintiffs may pursue legal action and contact a product liability lawyer to begin the litigation process. Rightful compensation can be sought and help plaintiffs recover medical costs and other related damages.
Product liability law overlaps with regulatory law, which are the systems of legislative rules and administrative agencies, and part of federal and state governments. These agencies regulate the safety of the products sold to the public. Examples include:
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA;)
- The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
The listed government agencies, however, may initiate recalls of dangerous products but do not provide remedies or compensation for damages where an individual is injured due to the defective product.
Our Firm will help you find the answers. The Firm has the experience, resources and dedication to take on difficult and emotional cases and help our clients obtain the justice for the wrong they have suffered.
Experience: Joe Lyon is an experienced Cincinnati Product Liability Lawyer. The Lyon Firm has 17 years of experience and success representing individuals and plaintiffs in all fifty states, and in a variety of complex civil litigation matters. Product Liability lawsuits can be complex and require industry experts to determine the root cause of an accident or injury. Mr. Lyon has worked with experts nationwide to assist individuals understand why an injury occurred and what can be done to improve their lives in the future. Some cases may go to a jury trial, though many others can be settled out of court.
Resources/Dedication: Mr. Lyon has worked with experts in the fields of accident reconstruction, biomechanics, epidemiology, metallurgy, pharmacology, toxicology, human factors, workplace safety, life care planning, economics, and virtually every medical discipline in successfully representing Plaintiffs across numerous areas of law. The Lyon Firm is dedicated to building the strongest cases possible for clients and their critical interests.
Results: Mr. Lyon has obtained numerous seven and six figure results in personal injury, automotive product liability, medical negligence, construction accidents, and auto dealership negligence cases. The cases have involved successfully litigating against some of the largest companies in the world.
Defective products on the market present safety and health hazards for adults and children. Cheap and defective products may pose fire and burn risks; electrocution, strangulation and choking risks; and severe health risks. The manufacturers of consumer products have a duty to foresee potential injury and properly design and test products before they are released.
Companies must also properly warn consumers of any risks associated with their products. Any failure to protect consumers that results in accidents and injury can lead to lawsuits filed by plaintiffs and their Cincinnati product liability lawyer
- PAM Cooking Spray
- Office Equipment
- Sports Equipment
- Helmets
- Home Appliances
- Machinery
- Defective Bicycles
- Fire Extinguishers
- Vaping
- 3M Earplugs
- Window Blinds
- Furniture Instability
- IKEA Dresser
- Chain Saws
- Stroller Defects
- Toy Defects
- Defective Car Seats
- Smoke Alarms
- Tree Stands
- Laundry Pods
- Gym Equipment
- Portable Generators
- Power Tools
- Baby Powder
- Cosmetics
- Flammable Clothing
- Pressure Cookers
- Smoking Laryngeal Cancer
- Table Saws
- Vaccines
- Pine-Sol Recall
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We will determine, together with you, what makes sense for the next step for you and your family to take.