Commercial Truck Tire Blowouts
Commercial trucks and semis experience tire failure on a regular basis. The causes may vary in big rig tire complications, but the result is generally the same: dangerous accidents occur and endanger motorists and passengers. Truck tire blowouts are extremely dangerous because of debris flying all over the roadways. The loss of vehicle control which is likely for both truckers and surrounding drivers.
Tire manufacturers have a duty to produce and distribute a safe product, and trucking companies have a duty to ensure that they properly maintain their rigs and equipment to prevent accidents and fatalities.
Should tire manufacturers and trucking companies fail to protect those on America’s roadways and an accident occurs, they may be held liable for negligent manufacturing or negligent truck operating.
Joe Lyon is a highly-rated truck accident attorney and truck tire blowouts lawyer reviewing truck tire defects and subsequent accidents for plaintiffs nationwide.
Truck Tire Blowouts & Tread Separation
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) released a study on Large Truck Crash Causation to determine semi-truck accident causes. The FMCSA reviewed about 142,000 large truck accidents and roughly 8,000 of the accidents, or over 5 percent of the total crashes, were caused by truck tire blowouts.
Around 80 percent of all truck tire blowouts are caused by tread deterioration and tread separation of an under-inflated tire. When the tread on a truck tire separates, the pressure and weight of a moving truck can easily cause a blowout and loss of vehicle control.
Cause of Truck Tire Blowouts
It is crucial to prevent defective tire accidents by putting the onus on tire producers and trucking companies to inspect their equipment. Truck tire blowouts can result from driver negligence or trucking company mismanagement. Common causes of tire blowouts include:
- Truck Driver Error: drivers hitting a curb or object can damage a tire, or they can fail to properly inflate tires.
- Improperly Installed Tires: qualified mechanics and tire professionals make errors and increase the likelihood of tire blowouts.
- Infrequent Vehicle Inspections: commercial truck tires should be inspected on a daily basis. Mechanics and drivers may be held liable if they fail to detect and repair damaged tires during inspections.
- Overloaded Trucks: Companies overload trucks to save money, but endanger everyone on the road. Overloading can cause truck tire blowouts.
- Defective Tires: negligent tire manufacturers can be held liable in product liability lawsuits.
- RV Tire Blowouts
Tire Blowout Lawsuits
Tire defects may result from design flaws or manufacturing flaws. Defective tires may have belt defects, tread separation defects, sidewall failure, improper inflation instructions, or unsuitable tires on commercial vehicles. Tire failure from tire defects cause of over 11,000 road accidents in the United States every year.
When a truck accident occurs and injuries are sustained, a trucking company may be named as a defendant in an auto negligence lawsuit, alongside the tire producer. Truck drivers and transportation companies have a duty to maintain their vehicles to protect the safety of everyone on the road.

Filing Truck Tire Failure Cases
Trucking employers and transport companies are accountable for their drivers and the rigs they operate. If trucking management fails to properly maintain their trucks and replace aging tires, they can be liable for contributing to an unsafe working environment and dangerous roadways.

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Truck Tire Failure Lawsuits
Trucking companies and drivers may be negligent in their duties, and can be sued for endangering motorists and passengers on the road. A lawsuit against these companies for endangerment gains recovery for those who have suffered from negligence of drivers.
The most common causes of tire blowouts are underinflating tires, overinflating tires, failing to maintain tires, putting too many miles on old tires, tire defects, and overloading trucks. Sometimes it is a combination of these causes that results in a tire blowout accident.
Trucks put a lot of pressure on their tires with the combined weight and mileage. Trucking companies try to maximize their tires to save on costs, but aging tires can be unsafe to use. When an old or defective tire has reach its limit, the tire sidewall or underlying belts can fail and the tread will tear away from the rest of the tire.
When the tread on a car or heavy commercial vehicle fails, the tread may lead to the loss of control of a vehicle and catastrophic road accident. When the tread of a truck is released at freeway speed, the tread can easily strike other cars and lead to multi-vehicle accidents and injuries.
Truck drivers and transportation companies are responsible for maintaining their rigs, and ensuring that all tires are properly inflated, retreaded, and meet federal road safety standards to prevent severe injury to motorists and passengers.
Should truck companies fail to operate on the roads in a safe manner, they may be held liable for injury in truck accident lawsuits, along with a negligent manufacturer.
Yes. Tire Blowouts are extremely dangerous for everyone on the road. When a tire is blown on a passenger vehicle or a commercial truck, debris is thrown into the air with velocity and force, and can hit other vehicles. The vehicle on which the tire blew can lose control, and cause serious collisions.
The Lyon Firm works with industry experts to determine the root cause of any accident that causes injury and damages. The lawsuit may target a tire manufacturer, a negligent driver or a trucking company for failing to maintain a vehicle properly.
Tire failure and tread separation are relatively common occurrences. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, defective tires are the primary cause of thousands of accidents in the United States every year, many of which lead to injury and death.
Any accident linked to a tire defect may be grounds for filing defective tire lawsuits against offending manufacturers, who may have known about the risks of their product but failed to warn consumers through a proper tire recall.
Truck operators may also be negligent in poor tire maintenance and some tire retreading service stations have been sued in recent years for poor tire maintenance. Common collisions and rollover accidents involve tire blowouts and Defective Tire Treads, often indicative of a defective tire.
As a motorist it is prudent to keep a safe distance from very large semis and heavy trucks as a general rule. Not only are there tire blowout risks, but many truck drivers cannot see smaller vehicles. There is also the chance of trucks kicking up other debris and rocks from the road and causing accidents.
Improving road Safety
Truck Tire Blowouts Accident Settlements
Tens of thousands of drivers and passengers are injured in large commercial truck accidents every year. U.S. truck drivers suffer a disproportionate number of injuries in motor vehicle collisions, and the number of deaths and injuries of innocent motorists in these accidents is five times larger. Common truck tire failure accident injuries include:
Auto Accident Settlements
The Lyon Firm aggressively, professionally, and passionately advocates for injured individuals and families against negligent truck drivers or logistics companies to obtain just compensation under the law.
(Brown County, Kentucky): Joseph Lyon was second chair a case involving a driver texting and driving when he crossed the median, killing a father of four. The case was resolved once discovery confirmed the cell phone records proved the texting-related incident. The settlement will pay for the surviving children’s education. The driver was likely facing additional criminal charges at the time of the settlement.
(Cincinnati, Ohio): Joe Lyon was lead counsel in a $495,000 settlement. The case involved a motorcycle operator who sustained fractures of the calcaneus, talus, medial cuneiform, tarsal bones, and tarsometatarsal when a car ignored its driving lane and crossed into his right-of-way. Settlement provided repayment of medical bills of $20,000 and funds for future education to re-enter the work force in a less physically-demanding job.
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