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Workplace Accident Lawyer reviews toxic exposure lawsuits for plaintiffs nationwide
Nationwide Success

Xylene Exposure Lawsuits

investigating occupational toxic exposure & Illness

Xylene is one of the most ubiquitous toxic chemicals produced in the U.S., and widely used in several industries including the auto, dental and medical arenas. Xylene is a solvent derived from crude petroleum, and it is also known as dimethyl benzene, methyl toluene, xylol and mixed xylenes. Workers and consumers should be cautious around xylene due to Toxic injury potential, and always avoid direct xylene exposure.

Studies have shown that chronic occupational exposure to xylene is associated with severe hematological effects, and can lead to thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, and may lead to forms of leukemia. The longer the exposure to xylene, the greater the cancer risk.

It is crucial to create a safe work environment, including a Workplace Ventilation Risks, install hood vents, respirator masks, eye goggles, gloves, employees working regularly with xylene should be given routine medical examinations.

Joe Lyon is a highly-rated Ohio Personal Injury Lawyer and Toxic Tort Attorney reviewing Xylene exposure, occupational cancer cases and representing plaintiffs nationwide in workplace injury claims.

Xylene Uses & Industry Health Risks

Some the primary uses of xylene are for lubricants in the automotive industry, in manufacturing, printing, rubber and leather processing, chemical production, and in some consumer products. Some products including xylene include the following:

Xylene Exposure Cancer Risks

Long-term exposure and chronic inhalation of Xylene can directly lead to a number of serious respiratory diseases and blood cancers. Xylene exposure in most industries, when safety measures are cast aside by negligent management, is likely in the form of inhalation, though the chemical can also enter the bloodstream through skin absorption, and lead to the following types of cancer:


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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.

The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.


The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.

photo of attorney Joe Lyon reviewing xylene exposure cases
A Voice for Those who have suffered

Why are these cases important?

Toxic exposure cases help empower employees to fight for their right to be protected, satisfactorily informed, and to stay safe. They also bring awareness to challenge and elevate the expectations of companies who are not serving their employees justly.


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Questions about Xylene Exposure

Can I file a Xylene Exposure Lawsuit?

If you have suffered from a toxic exposure injury at the workplace, your employer may be liable for failing to protect you or warn you of the potential dangers of the job. Contact an attorney to review your unique case. 

What are common illnesses linked to xylene exposure?

Exposure to xylene and other chemicals may lead to serious respiratory, skin and eye injuries. Xylene may also be a cancer-causing agent

who is at xylene exposure risk?

Those most at risk are employees handling solvents and toxic solutions that contain xylene. Long term injury may be seen in those working with paints, cleaning products, automotive products, sealants, and pesticides. 

Why hire the lyon firm?

The Lyon Firm is experienced in filing toxic workplace exposure for workers nationwide who have developed illnesses or diseases following dangerous toxin exposure.

Toxic Exposure Settlements

The Lyon Firm passionately advocates for injured individuals and families against companies following toxic exposure injury due to an unsafe work environment. 


(Hamilton County, Ohio): Confidential Settlement. Lead Counsel in a case that involved secondary lead exposure to two children. Their father worked at a local recycling plant that routinely recycled computer equipment. The company violated numerous OSHA regulations related to providing safety equipment and clothing to prevent lead particles from being transferred home. As a result, the Plaintiffs father transferred lead dust to his children who then suffered lead poisoning. The case was covered extensively by the Cincinnati news media and referenced in peer-reviewed medical literature. The settlement will provide educational needs to the children who suffered neurological injuries due the exposure.