Isoprex Settlement & Supplement False Advertising Claims
Cincinnati, Ohio, Consumer Protection Lawyer investigating potential false advertising claims and reviewing the recent FTC Isoprex supplement settlement
A dietary supplement company that promoted Isoprex to older adults as a “miracle” cure for pain and joint inflammation has settled with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which has halted the company from making further unproven claims.
The FTC filed the complaint against Renaissance Health Publishing, LLC for making claims not yet supported by reliable tests or medical studies. The order imposed a fine of almost $4 million. The FTC says they may use recovered funds to pay refunds to consumers—victims of the alleged misleading advertising.
Andrew Smith, the director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, made the following statement:
“When you target older adults with promises that your supplement will relieve pain better than FDA-approved drugs, you’d better have the scientific proof to back that up. For help with pain or other health conditions, people should rely on their medical professional, not on an advertisement.”
Joe Lyon is a Cincinnati, Ohio, Consumer Safety Attorney investigating claims of product mislabeling and false advertising.
What is Isoprex?
Isoprex is a pill made primarily with a combination of herbs and spices, sold for $49.95 a bottle plus shipping and handling. Ads for the supplement promised that Isoprex could rebuild joints and repair damaged cartilage.
Operating under the name Renown Health Products, the company allegedly distributed ads saying Isoprex was 100% effective in relieving “the worst cases” of joint pain and inflammation. Company ads also claimed that Isoprex was safer than over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen and eliminated pain from neck aches, sore muscles, lung and respiratory inflammation, back discomfort, stiff fingers, creaky elbows, aching hips and knees, and swollen ankles.
Seniors were targeted in the ad campaign, and urged to order a six-month supply or sign up for recurring shipments, “so you don’t run out and have to start all over again.”
The FTC complaint alleges that the defendants falsely claimed to have tests and studies to back up their product claims. The defendants also allegedly failed to disclose that the endorsers in Isoprex ads were either compensated for their testimonials, or were company employees and their relatives.
The Commission files a complaint when it has “reason to believe” that the named defendants are violating or are about to violate the law and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest.
False Advertising Settlement
Under terms of the settlement, the company and management did not admit or deny the allegations, but agreed not to make claims for products without “competent and reliable scientific evidence.”
The proposed order prohibits the defendants from making further unproven claims and from misrepresenting the results of scientific tests, studies, or research. The FTC said the company violated federal laws prohibiting deceptive practices in commerce, misrepresentations or deceptive omissions, and false advertisements to induce purchase of food or drugs.
If you or a loved one has spent money on a falsely advertised or mislabeled product, contact The Lyon Firm for a free consultation at 800-513-2403. We can review your case and discuss the legal options available to you.
Deceptive Marketing Lawyer, False Advertising, Improper Labeling, Product Mislabeling, Supplement Lawsuits