Big Pharma Lawsuits & 2019 Drug Injury Settlements
Product Liability lawyer and Pharmaceutical Defect attorney investigating drug injury settlements and 2019 big pharma lawsuits
Big pharma lawsuits and drug injury settlements in 2019 have kept pace with years past, and class action product liability lawyers have worked to hold large pharmaceutical companies accountable for the defective drugs they produce and distribute.
The opioid litigation is coming to a head quickly, as are thousands of lawsuits filed against Bayer AG, related to Roundup Exposure Cancer cases. Purdue Pharma is making headlines of late with bankruptcy talks, and Johnson & Johnson is under fire with numerous ovarian cancer cases linked to their talcum powder products.
Big pharma accounts for a huge percentage of litigation over drug injury cases, deceptive marketing, off-label promotion, physician kickbacks, failure to warn lawsuits, product liability and personal injury claims.
Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Purdue Pharma, Janssen, Pfizer, Insys, Teva and other drug makers have been under fire in recent years and paid huge sums to settle drug liability and antitrust claims from plaintiffs nationwide.
Joe Lyon is experienced in engaging pharmaceutical companies in product liability and class action lawsuits.
Big Pharma Lawsuits & Opioid Settlements
Lawsuits filed in the drug supply chain can target pharmaceutical manufacturers, individual physicians, pharmacies and distributors. The biggest story thus far in 2019 are the opioid manufacturers being sued by almost every state for their contribution in the national opioid crisis.
Johnson & Johnson and Purdue Pharma have been hit particularly hard. Lawsuits allege Purdue Pharma falsely marketed OxyContin and downplayed the risks of addiction, helping to fuel opioid addiction and injury. Purdue agreed to settle claims for $270 million. Teva Pharmaceuticals agreed to pay $85 million.
The opioid cases are being closely watched by plaintiffs and Big Pharma itself. There are more than 2,000 other big pharma lawsuits involving opioids filed across the country.
Attorneys argue that Johnson & Johnson and other drug makers created a false narrative of widespread untreated pain, and determined opioids were the solution, in part by funding organizations like the American Pain Society.
Industry marketing increased the sales of opioid painkillers dramatically. Johnson & Johnson is already facing large billion-dollar verdicts and settlements involving asbestos-laden talc and baby powder.
Drug Price Fixing Lawsuits
Lawsuits filed against Big Pharma are battling a possible huge price-fixing scheme in the U.S. More than 40 states have filed suit, alleging the biggest generic drug makers like Heritage Pharmaceuticals, of systematic conspiracy to cheat consumers and overcharge for common drugs.
The idea of the generic drug industry is to push prices down. But generic drugs have dramatically increased in price, some as much as 400 percent in a year. Other big pharma lawsuits are filed against doctors and companies for prescription kickbacks, where doctors stand to make more with each prescription they write.
Purdue Pharma Settlements
Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, the company and people behind OxyContin, have tentatively reached a deal that would pay billions in fines for their part in the opioid crisis. The company is set to file for bankruptcy under the guise that an opioid injury trust would be established.
The details of the Purdue settlement have yet to be finalized, however, and the opioid litigation is far from over. There are thousands of opioid addiction and injury claims nationwide, and there is still much to hash out in the courts.
Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuits
Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest drug companies in the world, and maker of the ubiquitous baby powder product, is facing at least 14,000 ovarian cancer lawsuits that allege the talc in their products contained asbestos, and led to the development of mesothelioma and ovarian cancer.
For decades, consumers were told that the baby powder product was safe for use, and attorneys claim the company may have known about asbestos contamination issues and health risks, and failed to warn consumers.
Roundup Exposure Cancer Settlements
In a significant blow to Bayer and Monsanto, lawyers and plaintiffs in at least 18,000 toxic exposure lawsuits claim Roundup has played a part in consumers’ cancer cases. Experts say Roundup Exposure may increase the risk of developing leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Bayer is possibly considering a very large settlement after a few juries have awarded giant verdicts to cancer victims who were exposed to the toxic properties of Roundup and later developed cancer.
If you or a loved one suffered a drug-related injury, and have questions about the legal remedies available to improve quality of life and medical care, contact The Lyon Firm (800) 513-2403. You will speak directly with Mr. Lyon, and he will help you answer critical questions regarding legal action and 2019 big pharma lawsuits.
Johnson & Johnson, Opioid Lawsuit, opioid settlements, Purdue, Teva