Roundup Litigation
Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
Investigating roundup related injury & cancer cases nationwide
Due to a growing body of evidence that indicates Roundup use is linked to leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, thousands of plaintiffs have filed toxic exposure lawsuits, targeting Bayer, the parent of Monsanto.
In 2020, many of these cases were settled for billions of dollars, though there may be many Roundup cancer cases still waiting to be litigated.
There are still thousands of pending lawsuits staring Bayer in the face, and the company is being pressured legally to settle all cases before too many get to trial. Juries in California recently punished the company and awarded millions to plaintiffs.
The Roundup Cancer attorneys involved in the case have argued that Monsanto was aware of serious health risks related to its glyphosate products, and chose not to warn the public. Consumer safety lawyers close to the matter have called the company deceitful and cared more about its bottom line than the well-being of consumers.
As a result, many farmers, groundskeepers and landscapers have been heavily exposed to Roundup without knowing they were increasing their risk of developing cancers like leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and other conditions like Parkinson’s disease.
Joe Lyon is a highly-rated Ohio Roundup lawyer and product liability attorney representing plaintiffs diagnosed with leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma nationwide in Roundup exposure cancer claims. Reach out to The Lyon Firm online or by calling (513) 381-2333 today for your free, confidential consultation.
What Can I Expect in a Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit?
The damages injured plaintiffs may recover compensation for include:
- Physical injuries
- Treatment protocol
- Loss of income
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional trauma
- Punitive damages
The average payout is around $160,000 per plaintiff.
Product Liability and toxic exposure lawsuits can be complex, and may require the help of toxic tort attorneys to understand whether or not you have a viable case. The Lyon Firm aims to be open and straightforward with potential clients nationwide, and welcomes queries via phone or email.
Roundup is the world’s most widely used pesticide. It was first released by Monsanto in 1974 and over 1.4 billion pounds of Roundup are applied to plants each year.
Roundup contains the active ingredient glyphosate, a weed killing chemical that inhibits protein synthesis in plants. Though glyphosate has been approved for widespread use throughout the developed world many worry that it may not be as safe as previously thought.
Especially as the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently announced that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic.”
The EPA has historically stated that glyphosate poses no discernible health risks, though in 1985 they temporarily labeled it as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”.
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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.
The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.
In February 2020, the EPA published the interim decision registration review decision (ID) for glyphosate. As part of this action, the EPA found that there are no risks of concern to human health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label.
However, on June 17, 2022, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit vacated the human health portion of the glyphosate ID and held that the EPA’s registration review decision under FIFRA was an ‘action’ that triggered Endangered Species Act (ESA) obligations.
The EPA initiated formal ESA consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service for glyphosate in November 2021, and consultation is ongoing. On September 23, 2022, the EPA announced its withdrawal of all remaining portions of the interim registration review decision for glyphosate.
The new EPA action comes alongside new FDA regulation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has recently stated that it will begin to test foods for glyphosate – something it has not done in the past.
The FDA is planning to test agricultural produce because of the rapid increase in glyphosate use on raw produce which evidence links to the increase of glyphosate in human diets. In Europe researchers are finding that many food products such as beer and bread contain higher than anticipated levels of glyphosate.
The Lyon Firm is actively litigating Roundup cases. For a free consultation, please contact your Roundup lawyer at 800-513-2403. Clients diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma or leukemia following heavy Roundup exposure may have a viable claim.
Is Using Roundup Dangerous?
Like any herbicide, glyphosate is designed to kill plants. Once applied, it absorbs through the plant’s leaves and enters the sap stream where it inhibits a specific enzyme called EPSP synthase. Without EPSP synthase the plant cannot produce other necessary proteins which causes it to yellow and die within a few days.
Almost all plants contain EPSP synthase which means that Roundup will kill most plants, including aquatic plants. Once applied, there is no way to undo the effects of glyphosate on a plant.
Before 1996 Round up was applied selectively to certain portions of fields because it killed both weeds and important crops. In 1996 Monsanto introduced its first genetically modified “Roundup Ready” soybean seeds. Roundup Ready seeds are injected with a bacterium that protects it from the effects of glyphosate so that Round up only kills the surrounding weeds.
Within a few years of the initial success of their soybeans Monsanto released genetically modified corn, cotton, and canola among others. When farmers began to plant Roundup Ready seeds they were able to spray their entire crop with glyphosate without worrying about damaging their crops.
This led to a drastic increase in world-wide Roundup use. In the U.S alone use shot up from 85-90 million pounds of glyphosate in 2001 to 180-185 million pounds in 2007. A result of this growing global use is the appearance of glyphosate tolerant weeds.
If you have suffered injury or other losses due to the toxicity of Roundup or Monsanto products, contact The Lyon Firm at (513) 381-2333 to hold this company accountable. Your lawsuit could help secure your family’s future financial stability, and improve safety standards for others just like you.
What Products Can a Roundup Class Action Lawsuit Address?
Since the introduction of Roundup Ready seeds, scientists have observed a rapid increase in glyphosate resistant plants. Some plants contain genetic abnormalities which enables them to survive exposure to glyphosate. When glyphosate is applied to a field most of the weeds will die, but the weeds that are resistant to the chemical will continue to pollinate and grow without competition from other weeds and will become more common.
A class action lawsuit can allow many consumers to join together in one substantial legal action to the benefit of all. Glyphosate products include the following Monsanto Roundup brands and others:
- Roundup QuikPRO
- Roundup Custom
- Roundup PRO
- Roundup Weed & Grass Killer
- Roundup ProMAX
- Roundup Original
- Roundup Max Control 365
- Roundup Poison Ivy
- Roundup Extended Control
- Roundup Ready-to-Use Weed & Grass Killer
- Roundup Precision Gel
Other Monsanto products:
- Aquamaster
- Bronco
- Campaign
- Expedite
- Fallow Master
- Honcho
- Landmaster
- Pondmaster
- Protocol
- Ranger
- Roundup
- RT 3
Dow AgroSciences:
- Accord
- Durango
- Duramax
- Glyphomax
- Glypro
- Rodeo
- Abundit Extra
Cenex / Land O’Lakes:
- Silhouette
- Rattler
- Hoss Ultra
- Showdown
- Mirage
- KleenUp
- Makaze
- Mad Dog
- Jury
- Touchdown
Does Glyphosate Cause Cancer?
Many of the scientific studies which link glyphosate to cancer or other chronic diseases cite the chemical’s effect on EPSP synthase. EPSP synthase is an enzyme found in plants. When applied to a plant glyphosate inhibits the enzyme production and thus kills the plant.
However, many scientists now argue that EPSP inhibition may impact bacteria health in humans which could lead to cancers and other chronic health complications. Scientists also argue that the combination of glyphosate with other proprietary surfactants and additives may render the compound more dangerous than glyphosate alone.
The World Health Organization’s cancer arm, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), released a monograph on glyphosate. The IARC studied kidney, pancreatic, and other tumors in glyphosate treated animals, examined epidemiology studies in farmers, and found that glyphosate damages DNA and chromosomes and is a likely cause of cancer.
Roundup Cancer Lawsuits say there are thousands of cancer cases linked to past Roundup use, and pending lawsuits are likely to be settled in coming months.
Is Roundup Linked to Infertility?
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) identifies a connection between pesticide residues and an increased risk of infertility.
The researchers sought to study a link between exposure to pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables and pregnancy outcomes, and found that pesticide exposure may increase the risk of infertility.
There are several known risk factors for infertility or miscarriage but the study recommends caution with their findings. According to the study, those who are able to conceive see a greater risk of miscarriage due to pesticide exposures.
The study examined 325 women undergoing fertility treatments—researchers found a link between those who consumed more pesticide residues and a reduced likelihood of giving birth.
The scientists concluded that typical daily pesticide exposure through the diet or other sources may have adverse reproductive consequences.
Some pesticides are known carcinogens and are used in many applications in agriculture, industry, home, and garden. Herbicide use during pregnancy is also associated with an increase in cancer risk.
Use of insecticides in the home is linked with increased cancer risk, and frequent use or exposure is associated with an even higher risk. The Association of Reproductive Health Professionals has noted concerns with male reproductive issues which may include:
- Rising rates of testicular cancer
- Decreasing sperm counts
- Decrease in testosterone levels
- Increases in specific types of birth defects
Those affected by regular exposure to pesticides may have a claim against those responsible for any adverse health effect such as infertility or birth defects of a child.
In the past, chemical manufacturers, distributors, employers, and negligent employers such as landscapers, lawn care and pool care companies, pest control outfits have faced lawsuits due to injuries and illnesses related to pesticide exposure.
Large petrochemical firms and distributors of weed killers like Monsanto have seen hundreds of lawsuits pile up from personal injuries that are completely preventable. Herbicide infertility lawsuits can be filed against negligent corporations if there is evidence that exposure to specific chemical or toxin caused adverse health changes in individuals.
Can I Still File a Roundup Cancer Lawsuit?
The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Bayer, that kept alive thousands of toxic exposure lawsuits claiming that its Roundup weedkiller causes cancer.
A $25 million weedkiller exposure judgment was upheld, boding well for thousands of similar lawsuits.
A Circuit Court of Appeals decision also recently rejected a 2020 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finding that noted glyphosate does not pose a serious health risk.
In 2021, Bayer assigned $4.5 billion to handle glyphosate cancer claims, in addition to nearly $10 billion for earlier litigation.
Every injured plaintiff has an individual case and their settlement share is based on the following factors:
- The type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Age at the time of diagnosis
- Stage and degree of the cancer
- The length and severity of treatment protocol
- Type and degree of Roundup exposure
Monsanto is a common name in courtrooms across the world and is a defendant in tens of thousands of leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma suits for damages from Roundup exposure.
Bayer has allegedly known about carcinogens, specifically polychlorinated biphenyls, which were produced by Monsanto until the 1970s. Ohio Roundup cancer lawsuits are following that trend.
The growing body of knowledge surrounding glyphosate carcinogenicity is also contributing to injured plaintiffs and Roundup attorneys filing toxic exposure lawsuits.
Leukemia and non-Hodgkin Lymphoma patients are beginning to sue Monsanto over Roundup exposure. Globally, law firms are filing hundreds of negligence and toxic tort lawsuits on behalf of individuals whose lives have been altered by leukemia and non-Hodgkin Lymphoma cancers.
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Lawsuits
Juries have sided with plaintiffs in recent Roundup cancer lawsuits, and have awarded millions to plaintiffs diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma following years of Roundup exposure.
In one such suit, filed in California, plaintiffs sued Bayer and Monsanto for damages based on negligence, design defect, breach of warranty, and for punitive damages.
Toxic exposure lawsuits and your Ohio roundup lawyer may argue that Monsanto executives understood the potential health risks of their product but sold the product without proper warnings. By ignoring or burying scientific evidence, as attorneys argue, Monsanto placed consumers at an increased risk of cancer without properly notifying their consumers.
The glyphosate compounds found in Roundup have been linked to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other serious health effects which Monsanto never disclosed. The suits against Monsanto filed by an Ohio roundup lawyer also argue that Monsanto failed to disclose pertinent information to the EPA or failed to properly study the long-term effects of exposure to glyphosate.
One plaintiff and lawsuit filed in California also accused Monsanto of hiring several outside contractors who knowingly falsified data to study the effects of glyphosate exposure.
Other suits also claim that Monsanto intentionally misinformed farmers, regulatory agencies and the general population regarding the health risks of Roundup. The state of California is also taking legal action against Monsanto. California intends to list glyphosate as a known carcinogen under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65).
Monsanto sued the state, though the law requires that California label carcinogenic substances in accordance with IARC findings, not EPA or industry sponsored studies. A growing number of European countries are also banning or restricting the sale and use of Roundup. France, for example, has completely banned the sale of Roundup for non-agricultural use.
Contact an Experienced Lawyer for a Roundup Lawsuit
Individuals are hiring a Ohio Roundup lawyer and toxic exposure law firms from a variety of environments. Sod farmers, coffee bean farmers, residential users, horticulture workers and others are suing Monsanto in class action and individual cases.
A recent study released suggests there is a credible link between glyphosate exposure and non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Researchers noted a 41 percent increased risk of cancer development with heavy toxic exposure.
Why Hire The Lyon Firm
Joe Lyon of The Lyon Firm has years of experience holding major national and international corporations accountable. His proven results in class action lawsuits related to toxic exposure from asbestos to chemical leaks is invaluable.
Reach out to speak with Joe by scheduling a free consultation online, or call our offices directly at (513) 381-2333. We are not intimidated by these big companies — the law is on your side.

Why Are Roundup Cases Important?
Roundup exposure cases help empower consumers and employees to fight for their right to be protected, satisfactorily informed, and to stay safe. They also bring awareness to challenge and raise the expectations of companies that are producing dangerous products and fail to warn the public.
Questions about Roundup Exposure
You should contact a Toxic Exposure Attorney to review your case. Criteria for reaching a Roundup cancer settlement may include heavy exposure to Roundup as well as a diagnosis of cancer–typically non-Hodgkin lymphoma or leukemia–Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)or Small-Cell lymphocytic leukemia (SLL).
There is supporting evidence that links Roundup exposure to non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and potentially leukemia. Glyphosate is considered a cancer-causing chemical by health agencies.
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller products. It has been tested in labs and may cause cancer and other adverse health conditions. Glyphosate is not only in Roundup but in other pesticides and herbicides as well.
Those heavily exposed to Roundup are the most likely to develop cancers like leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Groundskeepers, plant nursery workers, landscapers and farmers who used Roundup and other pesticides frequently are at an increased risk of cancer.
Holding negligent companies accountable for their actions is an important part of the American legal system, and a necessary tool for consumers to get fair and safe treatment. It may be unfortunate that only punitive damages prohibit companies from taking advantage of the American public, but there is an element of truth to that. And moreover, compensation will help victims pay medical expenses and other damages incurred.
Bayer estimates there are over 100,000 individual toxic exposure claims, despite settling several thousand already.
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Coma
- Drowsiness
- Low blood pressure
- Fatigue
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
Roundup Settlements
Following Roundup Exposure Cancer Diagnosis, The Lyon Firm aggressively, professionally, and passionately advocates for plaintiffs due to a toxic product to obtain just compensation under the law.
Bayer Settles for $10 Billion
Lyon Firm, P.C. Clients Included in $10 Billion Roundup Settlement
In one of the largest product liability settlements ever recorded, Bayer AG has agreed to pay over $10 billion to thousands of plaintiffs who filed glyphosate toxic exposure claims. Joseph M. Lyon was one of the first lawyers in the country to represent individuals suffering from Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma related to Roundup exposure. The Firm’s clients are included in this groundbreaking settlement.
Answer a few general questions.
A member of our legal team will review your Roundup exposure case.
We will determine, together with you, what makes sense for the next step for you and your family to take.