Asbestos in Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Exposed to asbestos at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard? We can fight for compensation and justice.
Fighting for Plaintiffs in Asbestos Exposure Claims at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
At the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, thousands of workers toiled away to keep our naval fleet at peak performance. Sadly, many of these hardworking Americans were unknowingly exposed to an extremely toxic substance known as asbestos.
Years later, many had received the devastating diagnosis of mesothelioma, a deadly cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Those working at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard were simply doing their job but were subjected to a hidden danger that changed their lives forever.
With a deep-rooted passion for helping those who have been exposed to asbestos within naval shipyard environments, The Lyon Firm brings not only two decades of experience but also a heartfelt dedication to making a difference in the lives of affected individuals and their families.
Our mission is to ensure that victims receive the compensation and justice they deserve.
Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we are determined to fight tirelessly on your behalf. Contact us online or call (513) 381-2333 so we can work towards a brighter, asbestos-free future together.
There is over $30 million set aside for people who developed asbestos-related illnesses. Don’t let this money just sit there. If you or a loved one has an asbestos-connected disease, you could qualify to access these funds.
The History of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard has a long and important history, stretching back to 1800. Located in Kittery, Maine, right across the river from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, it was established to build and repair ships for the U.S. Navy.
Over the years, the shipyard played a key role in many American wars, including the War of 1812, the Civil War, and both World Wars. Its location was perfect because it was close to the ocean and had access to important shipping routes.
Workers there were crucial to maintaining the strength of the U.S. Navy and supporting American war efforts.
In the years that followed, the shipyard continued to be a major center for naval construction and repair. Today, it still operates, focusing on modernizing submarines and other naval vessels.
Was There Asbestos In Portsmouth Naval Shipyard?
Asbestos was commonly used in many industries, including shipbuilding, because of its resistance to extreme heat and fire. In the shipyard, asbestos was used in things like insulation, pipes, and even ship parts to help keep them safe from high temperatures.
Like most naval shipyards, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard heavily relied on asbestos because of its ideal characteristics, low cost, and ease of use. Asbestos was practically everywhere in the shipyard, from the vessels built there to the 350 buildings located there.
When building and fixing ships, workers dealt with a lot of asbestos materials. These included:
- Insulation
- Pipes and the coverings for pipes
- Cement
- Panels for walls and ceilings
- Flooring materials
- Boilers
- Pumps
“Mr. Joe Lyon went above and beyond what was necessary in helping me through every step of my wrongful death lawsuit. Showing actual concern and empathy for my situation. All I can say is thank you for everything.”
- Client: Lance Grotevant
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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.
The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.
Why Asbestos Exposure in Naval Shipyards Is Dangerous
Asbestos can be very dangerous when its fibers become airborne and are inhaled. When inhaled, tiny asbestos fibers can become lodged and trapped in the lungs. Over time, workers at the shipyard who were exposed to these fibers could develop serious health problems, including:
- Scarring
- Lung Diseases
- Cancer, like mesothelioma
Who Was Exposed to Asbestos While Working At Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
While Portsmouth Naval Shipyard began to phase out asbestos in the 1970s, the damage was already done. By this point, tens of thousands of civilian employees had been working in unsafe, asbestos ridden conditions for decades.
Workers who were most likely to be exposed to asbestos in Portsmouth Naval Shipyard include:
- Construction workers
- Shipbuilders
- Pipefitters
- Welders
- Electricians
- Insulators
- Mechanics
- Firefighters
- Boiler operators
Had workers known about the danger of asbestos, they would have been able to wear protective gear or take other precautions to shield themselves. Instead, they were left in the dark for years, while asbestos chipped away at their health.
If you or a loved one suffered an asbestos illness after and worked at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, you may be able to recover significant financial support. Contact The Lyon Firm online or call (513) 381-2333 to learn how we can help you.
How Can Mesothelioma Lawyers for Navy Shipyard Workers Help Your Case?
When battling an illness like mesothelioma or having lost a loved one to an asbestos disease, a mesothelioma Portsmouth Naval Shipyard lawyer can remove the stress and burden of filing a claim alone. A legal team makes the process easier by doing the following for you:
- Investigation: Your lawyer will dig deep to find all the evidence needed for your case, including medical records, work history, and proof of asbestos exposure.
- Negotiation: They will work to get you a fair settlement by negotiating with the companies and their insurance, often through meetings and mediation.
- Litigation: If a fair deal can’t be reached, your lawyer is ready to take your case to court and fight for you during the trial.
Is Filing a Lawsuit My Only Option in a Navy Shipyard Asbestos Case?
Filing a lawsuit is one option if you’re dealing with asbestos-related health issues from working at a navy shipyard. You can sue the companies that supplied asbestos materials to the shipyard for their negligence.
However, if these companies have gone bankrupt, you have other options. Many bankrupt asbestos companies have established trust funds to compensate people affected by their products. You can file a claim with these trust funds to seek compensation.
Also, if you are a veteran, you might be eligible for benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA may offer monthly disability benefits or healthcare if you developed an asbestos illness due to your time in the service.
So, while a lawsuit is a viable path to compensation, there are other avenues to consider, depending on your situation. A lawyer can lay out all of your options and provide guidance on what may be the right course of action for you.
Will a Lawyer Really Make a Difference in My Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Asbestos Claim?
Asbestos exposure claims can be challenging due to the lengthy time since exposure, making it difficult to gather and connect old work records to your illness.
Furthermore, many of the companies responsible are now bankrupt, and accessing their trust funds on your own can be complex and frustrating. An experienced attorney can navigate these obstacles to improve your chance of getting the full and accurate compensation you deserve.
A 2016 Martindale-Nolo study highlighted the benefits of hiring a lawyer as opposed to handling a claim alone. After interviewing several personal injury claimants, the study found:
- Over 90% of people with legal representation received a settlement or award, compared to about 50% of those who managed their own claims.
- People who hired a lawyer received an average of $77,600 in compensation, whereas those who represented themselves received an average of $17,600.
- Those who negotiated their settlements received, on average, $30,700 more than those who accepted the insurance company’s first offer.
“At Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, these brave workers didn’t just offer their labor and skill—they unknowingly sacrificed their health and lives. Their commitment to working hard and honestly was met with a hidden cost that no one should have to experience. At The Lyon Firm, we fight for these workers and their families to ensure tragedies like these don’t happen again.”
Joe Lyon,
Founding Partner of the Lyon Firm
What Kind of Damages Are Available in a Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Asbestos Exposure Lawsuit?
In a Portsmouth Naval Shipyard asbestos exposure claim, individuals who have been harmed due to asbestos at the shipyard may be eligible to seek various types of damages.
These damages aim to compensate victims for the physical, emotional, and financial hardships they have endured as a result of their exposure.
The specific damages available can include:
- Medical Expenses: Victims of naval shipyard asbestos exposure can seek compensation for their past and future medical costs. This can include expenses related to diagnosis, treatment, medication, rehabilitation, and ongoing healthcare needs.
- Lost Wages and Earning Capacity: If asbestos-related illnesses prevent an individual from working or reduce their earning capacity, they can pursue compensation for lost wages and potential future income.
- Pain and Suffering: Asbestos-related illnesses can be physically and emotionally distressing. Victims may be awarded damages for the pain and suffering they have suffered or will continue to experience due to their condition.
- Funeral and Burial Costs: If the asbestos exposure results in the death of a loved one, surviving family members may seek compensation for funeral and burial expenses.
- Punitive Damages: In cases where the defendant’s actions were particularly reckless or malicious, punitive damages may be awarded. These damages are designed to punish the responsible party and deter future misconduct.
The amount of money you might get for damages can depend on several things, like how serious your asbestos-related illness is, how long you were exposed, and who is responsible.
It’s crucial to talk with an experienced attorney who has successfully handled asbestos exposure cases to figure out the potential damages available in your specific situation.
Mesothelioma Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Settlements and Verdicts
At The Lyon Firm, we are dedicated to fighting for individuals and families who have been wronged by asbestos exposure. Here are some examples of the significant compensation we’ve achieved for our clients:
- $2.7 million awarded to the spouse of a mesothelioma patient who worked in the steel mill industry.
- $2.3 million for the family of a former AK Steel worker who was diagnosed with terminal mesothelioma.
- $1 million obtained in a mesothelioma claim due to asbestos exposure.
We recognize that while compensation can’t undo the suffering your family has experienced, it can provide crucial financial support. Whether through a trust fund or a lawsuit, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Why Hire The Lyon Firm
For nearly two decades, The Lyon Firm has a strong record of representing thousands of individuals nationwide in several case types, securing millions in compensation for our clients. Mr. Lyon has personally visited clients in their homes and hospitals, going the extra mile to understand their needs and secure fair compensation.
The mesothelioma attorneys for navy shipyard workers at The Lyon Firm stand ready to guide you or your loved one through this difficult process. Reach out to us online or call (513) 381-2333.
If you developed an asbestos illness after working at a naval shipyard, you may be able to hold several parties responsible, such as asbestos manufacturers, businesses that supplied the asbestos, or employers.
Exposure to asbestos in naval shipyards can lead to serious health issues, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, and other respiratory diseases.
Those who have been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases due to exposure in naval shipyards, as well as their surviving family members in the case of wrongful death, may file lawsuits. Civilians and veterans may both qualify.
Yes, there are statutes of limitations that vary by state, restricting the time within which you can file a lawsuit. It’s crucial to consult with an attorney to understand the specific time limits in your situation. Watch the video down below to learn more about the statute of limitations in asbestos claims.
Answer a few general questions.
A member of our legal team will review your case.
We will determine, together with you, what makes sense for the next step for you and your family to take.
Asbestos Information Center
- Asbestos Exposure
- Mesothelioma
- Asbestosis
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- colorectal cancer
- esophageal cancer
- Adenocarcinoma
- Welders
- Electricians
- Machinists
- American Shipbuilding – Lorain OH
- AP Green
- Ohio River Barge Workers
- Maintenance Workers
- Mechanics
- bethlehem shipbuilding
- Ingalls Shipyard
- Hunters Point
- Mare Island
- Todds Shipyard
- Superior Shipyard
- Avondale Shipyard
- Portsmouth Navy Yard