Leukemia Lawsuits
investigating occupational toxic exposure & consumer product liability cases
Several studies in recent years have linked chemical exposure at home and work to cases of leukemia. Children born to parents employed in certain occupations that have chemical exposures are more likely to develop the deadly disease.
Both adults and children are at risk, though it is suspected that children are more vulnerable while exposed in their developmental stages of life. Leukemia is the most common kind of cancer in children, and causes more deaths than any other form of cancer in children.
These deaths represent about six percent, or 34,000 deaths annually, and are directly linked to occupational and environmental exposures to known, specific carcinogens.
Environmental contaminants and known carcinogens are used in many applications in agriculture, industry, home and garden. Using Roundup and other weedkillers may raise the risk of developing cancer. Contact an experienced leukemia lawyer to investigate the cause of illness.
Leukemia & Toxic Exposure
Studies show a relationship between childhood leukemia and a parent’s workplace exposure to chemicals. Occupations such as painting, personal services industries, metal processing, textiles and motor vehicle-related occupations may significantly elevate risk because of the solvents and other toxins related to the job.
A recent study concluded that the association between childhood leukemia and paternal exposure to solvents (chlorinated solvents, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethylene) is “quite strong.”
Roundup Exposure Causes Leukemia
Recent reviews have concluded that large-scale and household pesticide and herbicide exposure may be a cause of some kinds of leukemia.
Groundskeepers, landscapers and farmers who have used Roundup Products for many years have developed leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma as a result of toxic exposure.
Glyphosate and Roundup Exposure may lead to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) or Small-Cell lymphocytic leukemia (SLL).
Studies show that leukemia is more prevalent among children whose parents are exposed to pesticides at work than other children. Recently, a large study of almost 500 children found that risk was increased by home use of pesticides and by use of multiple different pesticides, such as glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp.
Herbicide use during pregnancy was associated with a 50 percent increase in cancer risk and use of insecticides in the home was associated with increased cancer risk; frequent use was associated with an even higher risk.
A recent study found that children with leukemia were 11 times more likely to have mothers who were exposed to pesticide sprays during pregnancy compared to healthy children.
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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.
The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. The term “chronic” refers to the fact that it usually progresses slower than other types of leukemia. Many people with chronic lymphocytic leukemia have few or no early symptoms.
Toxic Exposure and chemical exposure is suspected in some leukemia cases. Certain herbicides and insecticides, including Roundup, may be linked to an increased risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia may experience frequent infections, often upper and lower respiratory tract infections that can further weaken the immune system.
CLL may progress into a more aggressive form of cancer called diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, or Richter’s syndrome. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients have an increased risk of other types of cancer as well.
Many farmers, gardeners, groundskeepers, landscapers and plant nursery staff have regularly used Roundup and other pesticides for many years, and face an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, small-cell lymphocytic lymphoma, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Benzene Exposure Causes Leukemia
Rates of leukemia, particularly acute myeloid leukemia (AML), have been found to be higher in studies of workers exposed to high levels of benzene, such as those in the gasoline transport, printing, auto mechanic, chemical, rubber and oil refining industries.
Compared to children of unexposed fathers, children whose fathers were occupationally exposed to benzene and alcohols used in industrial products were nearly six times as likely to develop leukemia if the exposure occurred prior to the pregnancy.
Strong evidence supporting the idea that benzene causes leukemia came from a OSHA sponsored study of benzene-exposed workers in the rubber industry. Researchers reported a significant increase in cancer clusters of leukemia in benzene-exposed workers at a rubber plant in Akron, Ohio.
Chemicals Linked to Cancer
Chemicals and toxins may be in many products used in the household and at the workplace. Proper warnings may not be given to consumers, and health risks should be assumed when using chemicals, cleaning products, weedkillers, pesticides, herbicides and other solvents.
The following are examples of common environmental chemicals linked to cancer. Some are listed as known or probable carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, or by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
- Glyphosate–Roundup Weedkiller
- Asbestos
- Benzene
- Liquid Wrench
- Chromium Hexavalent compounds
- Safety Kleen
- Formaldehyde
- Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs)
- Polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Vinyl Chloride
What is Leukemia?
Leukemia is any cancer of the blood cells that generally begins as a cancer in the bone marrow. A victim’s marrow begins to produce large numbers of abnormal white blood cells—cells that do not fight infection, and grow faster and larger than healthy white blood cells. It, like other cancers, can spread to lymph nodes, organs and tissues throughout the body.
Treatment is necessary and depending on the type of leukemia and the cancer stage, prognosis is good for many patients. Each case is unique and medical science is improving.
Hairy Cell Leukemia & Benzene
There are no shortage of studies that make an association between occupational benzene exposure and deadly cancers like hairy cell leukemia. Medical experts and international safety agencies have long warned employers and workers that benzene exposure at the workplace may lead to occupational illness and disease.
AML and MDS concerns are raised for certain industries, including for auto mechanics, printers and gasoline truck drivers.
Evidence compiled in studies published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) make it clear that Benzene is carcinogenic and directly causes acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), hairy cell leukemia and other forms of cancer.
The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S National Toxicology Program (NTP) have echoed the WHO warning and classifies Benzene as a known human carcinogen.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) urge employers to protect workers against the risk of cancer. Should employers ignore the known risks of exposure, they may be held liable for injury and illness.
What is Hairy Cell Leukemia?
Hairy cell leukemia is a slowly progressing form of leukemia related to chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The name comes from the fact that the affected cells have projections around the outside of the cell that look like small hairs. The condition is caused by bone marrow producing abnormal white blood cells that do not mature and are unable to fight infections.
The affected cancer cells multiply rapidly and crowd out healthy blood cells. Around 800 new cases of hairy cell leukemia are diagnosed each year in the United States, most of which are arguable caused by environmental factors and occupational exposure to benzene and other chemicals.
Long-term exposure to high levels of benzene in an occupational environment has been linked to numerous types of cancer. Some people have no signs or symptoms of hairy cell leukemia, but some experience signs and symptoms common to a number of diseases and conditions, like the following:
- A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
- Fatigue
- Easy bruising
- Recurring infections
- Weakness
- Weight loss
Toxic Exposure Causes Leukemia
- Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) can occur in adults or children, but typically occurs in children. It makes up about 90 percent of childhood cases, and only around 20 percent of adult cases. ALL is suspected of commonly caused by solvents, glues, paints, petroleum, or rubber.
- Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) is linked most closely with chemical exposures, especially benzene and other solvents. Safety Kleen exposure may lead to AML.
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) can be caused by Roundup Exposure
- Small-Cell lymphocytic leukemia (SLL) may be caused by Roundup Exposure
Leukemia Litigation
Developing cancer after chemical exposure depends on the following factors:
- The kind of chemical or toxin in question
- The length and intensity of exposure
- A person’s general health
- Age: very young and much older people are at greater risk
- Genetics: family history of cancer may assume a greater risk
Some leukemias are triggered by environmental factors such as toxic exposure, at home or work. If you have leukemia, particularly if you are or were employed in manufacturing or industry, you should investigate whether exposure to a toxic product may have increased your risk for the disease.

Toxic Exposure Information Center
- Isocyanate Exposure
- Baby Powder
- Silica
- Beryllium
- Methylene Chloride
- Formaldehyde
- Ammonia
- Aplastic Anemia
- C8 Dupont Settlement
- Carbon Monoxide
- Dry Cleaning Workers
- Gadolinium
- Toluene
- Xylene
- Radiation
- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
- Lead Paint Poisoning
- Multiple Myeloma
- Myelodysplastic Syndrome
- Interstitial Lung Disease
- Occupational Lung Disease
- Sarcoidosis
- Pneumoconiosis
- Chemical Inhalation
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Sulfuric Acid
- Paint Factory Workers
- Property Contamination
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