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AML & Benzene: Leukemia Due to Benzene Exposure

Benzene exposure linked to AML: The Lyon Firm is here for workers diagnosed with leukemia.

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Investigating Benzene Exposure and AML Cases for Workers Exposed on the Job 

For decades, hardworking Americans in industries like manufacturing, construction, and transportation have been unknowingly exposed to benzene, a dangerous chemical hiding in plain sight.

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Benzene, a chemical that has been used in the United States since the 1800s, has been linked to the development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a life-threatening form of cancer. Tragically, many people who have dedicated their lives to physically demanding and taxing jobs have had their lives and livelihoods disrupted after developing AML. 

AML is especially aggressive as it progresses quickly and demands immediate, often grueling, treatment. Despite the dangers of benzene exposure being well-documented for years, companies and employers have sometimes failed to take the necessary precautions, leaving workers vulnerable.

The Lyon Firm is dedicated to helping victims affected by benzene and AML. With nearly two decades of experience fighting to uphold workers’ rights and well-being, we are here to support you every step of the way. Get in touch with our team online or by calling (513) 381-2333 to learn how we can help you pursue an AML & benzene exposure lawsuit.

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“Mr. Joe Lyon went above and beyond what was necessary in helping me through every step of my wrongful death lawsuit. Showing actual concern and empathy for my situation. All I can say is thank you for everything.”

-Client: Lance G.

What Is Benzene?

Benzene is a colorless, sweet-smelling chemical that has been a staple in American industries for over two hundred years. A mainstay in many industrial and consumer products, benzene can be found in products like gasoline, plastics, and some cleaning products. It’s also used to make rubber, dyes, and certain fabrics.

Is Benzene Dangerous?

Benzene is extremely harmful to the body, especially with long-term exposure. It damages bone marrow, reducing red blood cell production and weakening the immune system, which can lead to anemia, excessive bleeding, and a higher risk of infections.

Benzene exposure has also been linked to reproductive issues in women, developmental problems, and an increased risk of cancer. The Department of Health and Human Services confirms benzene is a known human carcinogen, a cancer-causing agent, making it a significant threat to worker safety and health.

Is There a Link Between Benzene and AML?

Multiple studies have pointed to the frightening notion that benzene causes AML. Researchers have found that workers exposed to benzene, especially those in the chemical, shoemaking, and oil refining industries, face a much higher risk of developing AML than the general population. 

Scientific research has shown that long-term exposure to benzene can cause harmful changes to the chromosomes in our blood cells. These changes happen in the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, in people who are regularly exposed to benzene.

A 2012 study published in the National Library of Medicine found that benzene exposure is linked to specific genetic changes often seen in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). These changes include missing or damaged parts of chromosomes, extra chromosomes, or unusual rearrangements. Workers with high benzene exposure are more likely to have these kinds of genetic changes in their blood cells.

Even in laboratory studies, benzene’s harmful effects are clear. Benzene byproducts can cause AML-related changes in human cells, including the cells that help produce new blood cells. 

Also, the findings of a long-term study of over 110,000 Chinese workers published in 2018 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute further highlighted the link between benzene and AML. The study discovered that the workers exposed to benzene had a higher risk of certain blood cancers, specifically AML. The risk was greatest for workers exposed before age 30 and within 10 years of their diagnosis.

These studies and more prompted several organizations to label benzene a “known human carcinogen,” including: 

  • The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
  • The US National Toxicology Program (NTP)
  • The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Who Is Eligible for an AML Lawsuit? 

Benzene exposure can happen in a number of ways, such as inhalation and ingestion, or it can be absorbed through the skin. Several industries are at a higher risk of exposure to benzene, including: 

Generations of people who serve in industries that are the backbone of our country have been unknowingly exposed to dangerous levels of benzene. This exposure has reportedly led to life-altering and devastating diagnoses like acute myeloid leukemia. 

No one should have to suffer for simply making a living. If you or a loved one has been impacted, reach out to The Lyon Firm online or call (513) 381-2333 to chat about how we can support you in taking legal action.

What Kind of Damages Are Available in an AML & Benzene Exposure Lawsuit?

In a benzene exposure lawsuit, people who have suffered harm due to benzene exposure may be eligible to seek various types of compensation. 

The specific damages available can vary depending on the circumstances of the case, your line of work, the extent of your injuries, and how your diagnosis has affected your life. 

Here are some common types of financial relief that may be available in a benzene exposure lawsuit:

  • Past and Future Medical Expenses: Plaintiffs can seek compensation for the cost of past, current, and future medical treatments related to benzene exposure and treatment costs for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
  • Lost Wages: Victims who have had to miss work or have experienced a reduced earning capacity due to their illness may be entitled to recover lost wages and potential future earnings.
  • Pain and Suffering: Treatment for AML, such as chemotherapy, radiation, or bone marrow transplants, often leaves patients feeling exhausted, both physically and mentally. These damages consider the intensity and duration of your physical pain, the emotional weight of dealing with a cancer diagnosis, and the ripple effects this suffering causes for you and your loved ones.
  • Wrongful Death Damages: If a loved one has lost their life due to benzene exposure and AML, surviving family members may be entitled to wrongful death damages, including funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and emotional distress.

It’s essential to consult with an experienced attorney who has past experience handling benzene exposure cases to understand the full extent of the specific compensation that may apply to your situation, ensuring you don’t miss out on crucial financial support to help you through this difficult time. 

“Living with acute myeloid leukemia is more than just a medical diagnosis; it’s a life-changing battle. When a tragedy such as this affects innocent workers, our firm is ready to stand by them and help them and their loved ones on their path toward recovery and justice.”

Joe Lyon profile photoJoe Lyon,
Founding Partner of the Lyon Firm

What Will an Attorney Do in My Benzene Lawsuit?

A benzene exposure lawyer plays a crucial role in helping individuals who have been harmed due to benzene exposure pursue their legal rights and seek compensation for their injuries.

Here’s what a benzene exposure lawyer typically does for your case:

  • Investigation: An attorney will conduct an in-depth investigation into the exposure incident. This may involve gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and consulting experts to establish the link between benzene exposure and your Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) diagnosis.
  • Negotiation: Your attorney will engage in negotiations with the opposing party or their insurance companies to seek a fair settlement. They will use their legal knowledge to fight for your rights and ensure you receive the appropriate and fair compensation you deserve.
  • Representation: Your attorney will represent you in court, presenting your case before a judge and jury, if necessary. They will use their legal skills to argue on your behalf.

By working alongside a lawyer with prior experience in benzene exposure cases, you can have a dedicated team on your side to take care of your case every step of the way so you can focus on what matters most, your health. 

Studies have also shown that working with a lawyer can improve the chances of success in a claim. For example, a study conducted by Martindale-Nolo found that 91% of people who hired a lawyer received a settlement or award compared to only 51% who represented themselves.

photo of attorney Joe Lyon

Why Hire The Lyon Firm for Your AML & Benzene Exposure Lawsuit

For nearly two decades, The Lyon Firm has successfully represented clients in complex cases involving exposure to dangerous substances. 

Through our determination, we have recovered life-changing settlements for people, including a confidential settlement for the family of three aviation workers who tragically passed away from glioblastomas allegedly linked to radiation exposure and $2.7 million for the surviving spouse of a steel mill worker who developed mesothelioma after asbestos exposure. 

We know what it takes to tackle toxic exposure cases head-on while building a solid case to show how benzene exposure contributed to your AML diagnosis. When you’re ready to take a stand, contact The Lyon Firm online or call (513) 381-2333 to find out if you qualify for an AML lawsuit. 

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Benzene & AML: Leukemia Caused by Benzene Exposure FAQ

How Long Do I Have to File a Benzene Lawsuit?

The time you have to file a lawsuit depends on the statute of limitations in your state. These deadlines differ, but the clock often starts ticking when you discover or should have reasonably discovered that your AML may be linked to benzene exposure.

Since these timelines can be tricky, it’s important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you don’t let important deadlines pass you by. 

What Types of Evidence Will I Need to Prove AML From Benzene Exposure?

To prove that your acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is linked to benzene exposure, you’ll need evidence showing both your diagnosis and your exposure to benzene. This might include medical records confirming your AML, work records or statements showing you were in an environment with benzene, and professional opinions connecting your exposure to your illness. Other helpful evidence could be safety reports, chemical exposure logs, or testimony from coworkers about the conditions.

How Do I Know if I’ve Been Exposed to Benzene, and What Are the Symptoms of AML?

Benzene exposure may go unnoticed, but common signs include fatigue, weakness, and unexplained bruising or bleeding. AML symptoms can include anemia, frequent infections, easy bruising, and fatigue. If you suspect exposure, seek medical evaluation.

Is It Possible to File a Class-Action Lawsuit for Benzene Exposure Cases?

In some instances, class-action lawsuits may be an option, particularly when numerous individuals are affected by the same source of benzene exposure. You can discuss this possibility with the team at The Lyon Firm by filling out our form online or calling (513) 381-2333.

Our Victories

The Lyon Firm aggressively, professionally, and passionately advocates for injured individuals and families against companies due to a defective product or recalled product to obtain just compensation under the law. 


(Hamilton County, Ohio): Confidential Settlement. Lead Counsel in a case that involved secondary lead exposure to two children. Their father worked at a local recycling plant that routinely recycled computer equipment. The company violated numerous OSHA regulations related to providing safety equipment and clothing to prevent lead particles from being transferred home. As a result, the Plaintiffs father transferred lead dust to his children who then suffered lead poisoning. The case was covered extensively by the Cincinnati news media and referenced in peer-reviewed medical literature. The settlement will provide educational needs to the children who suffered neurological injuries due the exposure.