Ohio Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
The Lyon Firm is committed to helping victims of asbestos exposure by fighting for rightful compensation and finding the proper mesothelioma treatment centers when necessary.
Asbestos exposure at Ohio work sites has been known to cause lung disease and mesothelioma cancer. These industry risks have been known for decades, but employers ignored the warnings from safety agencies and put workers at risk in industries including shipbuilding, rubber and tire production, oil refining, chemical production, auto plants, steel plants and others.
Companies have stopped using asbestos materials, however the damage has been done, and widespread corporate negligence has resulted in thousands of cancer cases of asbestos origin.
Thousands of Ohio residents have died from Mesothelioma Cancer and dozens of former workers are diagnosed with the deadly disease each year. Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer affecting the lining of the lungs and heart, and is nearly always fatal.
Joe Lyon is a highly-rated Cincinnati Asbestos Lawyer and Ohio Toxic Tort Attorney representing plaintiffs nationwide in a wide variety of toxic tort and mesothelioma claims. Mr. Lyon has arranged settlements with liable employers and reviewed Ohio Mesothelioma Treatment centers for cancer victims.
Types of Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma treatment options depend on a patient’s age, general health, the cancer’s size and location, the rate of cancer spreading, and how the cancer has responded to other treatments. Patients at Ohio mesothelioma treatment centers have access to the latest treatment protocols, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy agents or a combination of treatments:
- Surgical procedures include a partial lung removal, a complete lung lobe removal, or an entire lung removal
- Radiation therapy included advanced high-dose techniques that protect healthy organs
- Chemotherapy may be utilized with surgery or radiation
- Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) injects chemicals into tumors to kill cancerous cells
Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.
The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.
Ohio Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
- Case Western Reserve University Cancer Research Center—Cleveland, OH: University Hospital’s Seidman Cancer Center is part of Case Western Reserve University Cancer Research Center, a top cancer clinic where mesothelioma doctors employ some of the best and latest treatment methods. The Seidman Cancer Center is one of 12 cancer centers in the U.S. designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute.
- Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center—Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center is another top Ohio cancer center where leading mesothelioma doctors use the most advanced treatment protocols to help cancer patients.
- Joseph Cancer Care Center—Warren, OH: The St. Joseph Cancer Care Center in Warren, Ohio ranks among the best cancer centers in the midwest.
- The Cleveland Clinic—Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Clinic is home to one of the best mesothelioma cancer centers in the nation with top doctors and oncologists.
- Toledo Community Hospital Oncology Program (CCOP)—Toledo, OH: Toledo Community Hospital Oncology Program (CCOP) is among the best mesothelioma cancer centers in the nation with top doctors providing state of the art cancer treatment for patients.
The Symptoms of Asbestos Exposure
Mesothelioma, lung cancer, adenocarcinoma and asbestosis may lay dormant for decades after initial exposure, and symptoms may not present until many years later. When signs of illness do appear, however, typical symptoms include:
- Chest pain
- Pain in the lower back
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent Cough
- Fever & Nausea
- Excessive sweating
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Trouble swallowing
What is Mesothelioma?
After exposure, a patient may develop malignant mesothelioma, a cancer that grows in the thin layers of tissue that surrounds the lungs and other organs.
Mesothelioma may cause symptoms similar to those of lung cancer, which can include lumps of tissue in the chest area, chest pain, painful coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and weight loss. The cancer can grow in other places within the body, including:
- The pleura—tissue surrounding the lungs
- The tissue in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma)
- The tissue surrounding the heart
- The area surrounding the testicles
Four Stages of Mesothelioma
Each person’s cancer is unique, though almost all cancers have similar stages. Mesothelioma Cancer is the most common type, and starts in the pleura, or the lining of the lungs and chest wall. Stages of malignant pleural mesothelioma are dependent on the cancer spreading to predictable locations:
- Cancer in the pleura lining the chest wall
- Cancer in pleura lining the diaphragm
- Cancer in the pleura covering the lung
- Cancer in lymph nodes
- Through the heart lining or into the heart itself
- Cancer spread to distant organs such as the bones, the liver
Tri Modal Treatment
According to a recent study at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, mesothelioma patients who undergo aggressive multimodal treatment live almost twice as long after diagnosis than those who do not. The researchers found that a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation extended survival time significantly, regardless of the stage of cancer.
The team of researchers recommends that all patients diagnosed with mesothelioma be evaluated by multidisciplinary teams experienced in the management of mesothelioma for consideration of aggressive multi-modality (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) treatment.
The study, published by the American Journal of Clinical Oncology utilized the National Cancer Database to review data on cancer patients and survival rates.
Malignant mesothelioma is a type of deadly cancer caused primarily by asbestos exposure that occurs in the thin layer of tissue that covers internal organs. Mesothelioma most often affects the tissue that surrounds the lungs. This type is called Mesothelioma Cancer.
Other, rarer types of mesothelioma affect tissue in the abdomen, around the heart and the testicles. Mesothelioma treatments are available, but for most people with mesothelioma there is no cure.
Tri-modal Treatment Success
The Anderson Center study began with 20,561 mesothelioma patients identified from 2004 to 2014. Of those cases, overall median survival was:
- 20.8 months for those undergoing tri-modal treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation).
- 13.9 months for patients undergoing surgery
- 10.5 months for patients electing no surgery
Asbestos Cancer Treatment
The use of tri-modal treatment showed a survival advantage regardless of lymph node involvement or cancer stage. It also provided a clear contrast to the less aggressive treatment plans many patients still choose.
The researchers wrote, “The greatest estimated treatment effect on survival was observed when cancer-directed surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy were combined, which underscores the importance of tri-modality therapy…currently available therapeutic modalities seem to result in improved survival.”
Among the patients in the study mentioned above, 2,015 received only chemotherapy, around 850 patients received only surgery, and 274 were able to complete the tri-modal regimen. As these treatment procedures have certain risks, the researchers emphasize the need for patients to find a center with experience treating mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma Treatment Options
Sometimes it isn’t possible to remove all cancer in a patient, though surgery can help to reduce the signs and symptoms caused by mesothelioma. Surgical options may include the following:
- Surgery to decrease fluid buildup—pleural mesothelioma frequently causes fluid to build up in the chest, causing difficulty breathing. Surgeons can drain the fluid and then inject medicine into the chest to prevent fluid from returning.
- Debulking Surgery— surgeons may remove tissue lining the ribs, the lungs, and the abdominal cavity. Doctors may elect to remove as much of the cancer as possible, which allows doctors to more accurately direct radiation treatments to relieve pain and fluid buildup caused by mesothelioma.
- Removal of a lung and surrounding tissue—removing an affected lung and the tissue that surrounds it may relieve signs and symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. If you’ll be receiving radiation therapy, this procedure also allows doctors to use higher doses without the need to protect the lung from damaging radiation.
- Chemotherapy—these procedures use chemicals to shrink cancer cells and slow the growth of a mesothelioma tumor that cannot be removed by surgical methods. Chemotherapy may also be used before or after surgery.
- Radiation therapy—this form of therapy focuses high-energy beams to a specific places on the body. Radiation may be used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells.
- Keytruda Treatment

Why are these cases important?
Many experience asbestos exposure through the workplace. Workplaces may have been filled with toxic materials, and employers may have failed to warn of the serious health risks of the job. Filing a suit helps to raise the awareness of job safety.
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