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tom's of maine toothpaste

Tom’s of Maine Deceptive Marketing Class Action

Plaintiffs have filed lawsuits against Tom’s of Maine and Colgate-Palmolive Co. due to the company’s alleged misrepresentation of deodorant and toothpaste products. Attorneys have noted that labeling the products as “natural” may qualify as deceptive marketing.

The Tom’s of Maine class action complaint states that consumers have purchased the products, and paid a premium price, under the assumption that the products were indeed natural. But in reality, so-called “natural” products contain ingredients like glycerin, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, aluminum cholorohydrate, xantham gum, sorbitol, ascorbic acid and xylitol.

The Tom’s and Colgate class action lawsuit is just one example of recent deceptive marketing and false advertising cases. Companies around the globe have attempted to fill consumer demand for more natural products, though often fall short of delivering what they market as natural or organic.

The Tom’s of Maine plaintiffs claim they would not have paid more for the toothpaste or deodorant if they had known the product contained synthetic ingredients. Lawyers allege Tom’s and Colgate committed unfair and deceptive trade practices in violation of consumer protection laws by falsely and misleadingly representing products.

In false advertising class actions, plaintiffs may seek restitution, including disgorgement of profits from the sale of products using false and deceptive marketing, branding, and advertising.

One plaintiff argued that she had been misled into buying Tom’s “natural” toothpaste and deodorant since 2015, thinking they were environmentally friendly products. Lawyers argue at least 17 kinds of deodorant and 34 flavors of Colgate and Tom’s toothpaste contain “synthetic” and “chemically processed” ingredients.

A different 2015 settlement permitted Tom’s to use the word “natural” to market certain products as long as the packaging provided information describing its definitions of “natural,” “sustainable,” and “responsible sourcing.”

The Lyon Firm is investigating deceptive marketing and false advertising claims on behalf of plaintiffs nationwide. Americans frequently feel cheated and misled by corporate marketing campaigns, and legal action may be necessary to protect consumers now and in the future.

Call Joe Lyon for a free case review or to join an existing class action.

colgate class action, Consumer Protection Lawyer, False advertising lawsuits, misleading marketing, natural products