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Miracle Mineral Injury & Supplement Health Risks

Product Liability Lawyer and personal injury attorney reviewing Miracle Mineral Injury cases for plaintiffs nationwide

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning Americans not to consume a product sold online as a medical treatment. The FDA says ingesting Miracle Mineral Solution products could be dangerous and lead to Miracle Mineral injury and potentially life-threatening side effects.

Starting in 2010, the FDA began warning consumers about the possible dangers of Miracle Mineral Solution, also known as Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS, Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Protocol, Water Purification Solution (WPS) and other dangerous products. The agency notes that Miracle Mineral Solution has not been approved by the FDA for any use.

Miracle Mineral Solution products are still promoted on some social media platforms as a remedy for treating autism, cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and the flu. But the product, when mixed, may develop into a dangerous bleach which has caused severe and life-threatening side effects.

Joe Lyon is a toxic exposure lawyer and product liability attorney well-versed in dangerous consumer products. Injured plaintiffs may call for a free consultation.

Miracle Mineral Injury & Master Mineral Lawsuits

Websites that have sold Miracle Mineral Solution describe the product as 28 percent sodium chlorite in distilled water. Provided directions instruct users to mix the sodium chlorite solution with a citric acid, like lemon or lime juice before drinking. Sometimes the product is sold with an acid “activator.” But when the acid is added to the product, the mixture becomes chlorine dioxide, a very dangerous bleaching agent.

The FDA has not approved Miracle Mineral or Master Mineral Solution for any use, though like many other supplements, it has been sold throughout the country anyway. Consumers suffering from a Miracle Mineral injury of any kind may be able to file suit against the manufacturer and help pay for medical expenses and pain and suffering.

The FDA has released a statement that says, “Consumers should not use these products, and parents should not give these products to their children for any reason.” Appropriate actions and legal action may be necessary to stop the sales of such a dangerous consumer product.

The FDA received reports of users suffering Miracle Mineral injury like vomiting, diarrhea, life-threatening low blood pressure caused by dehydration and acute liver failure. The manufacturer has claimed that the solution has antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties, though does not mention any potential health risks.

Consumers and plaintiffs who have experienced an adverse health effect after ingesting Miracle Mineral Solution should seek immediate medical attention and contact a personal injury attorney. Call Joe Lyon to discuss potential legal action and injury settlements.

Dangerous Supplements, Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Complications, Miracle Mineral Recall, Miracle Mineral Side Effects, Sodium Chlorite, Supplement Lawsuits, Toxic Master Mineral

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