Evergreen Acres Dairy Wage Theft Lawsuit | Class Action Claims
The Lyon Firm is investigating labor violations, wage theft and unpaid overtime claims on behalf of Evergreen Acres Dairy workers in Minnesota. A lawsuit has been filed by the state’s Attorney General, claiming immigrant workers are owed millions in lost wages.
The Minnesota Attorney General, Keith Ellison, has filed a wage theft case against Evergreen Acres Dairy, alleging the dairy farm shortchanged hundreds of immigrant workers and housed them in poor, overcrowded conditions. The complaint seeks at least $3 million in unpaid wages.
Ellison claims the dairy workers were allegedly threatened and faced violent repercussions for complaining about pay or the living conditions. Community activists apparently notified state officials that Evergreen Dairy workers were being underpaid and also had dubious fees deducted from overdue paychecks.
When the investigations gained traction, some workers came forward and spoke about the situation. The wage theft violations allegedly involved routine underpayment and the falsifying and destruction of payroll documents.
According to the complaint, the dairy farm shaved hours from paychecks and did not pay overtime premiums, even with workers putting in some 12-hour days. Workers claimed they were not paid for the first two weeks of work and some never received their final paychecks. Evergreen Acres Dairy did not keep employment records, which is a clear violation of labor law.
The wage theft was coupled with a horrid housing situation. Workers lived in garages and infested barns, some without toilets.
Evergreen Acres is a large dairy company, operating 18 facilities across central Minnesota. Dairy farms, as well as several other types of agricultural operations, are very dangerous workplaces. They routinely rely on immigrant labor, and generally face little oversight from regulators.
The Lyon Firm has filed numerous class action lawsuits against companies who violate labor law. We have helped clients to recover compensation in wage theft, tip theft, and unpaid overtime cases.
Undocumented workers and immigrants who are victims of labor rights violations may be protected from deportation under federal law. Any worker at Evergreen or another abusive company can seek out a labor attorney to file a claim for compensation and seek protection under that law.
In addition to facing large fines and civil claims, the owners of Evergreen could face criminal charges. The wage theft penalties in Minnesota are some of the stiffest in the country, and offenders could potentially face felony charges and prison time.
Contact our class action wage theft lawyers if you or a loved has been the victim of a clear labor violation. The investigation into Evergreen Acres Dairy is ongoing, and individuals with links to the farm are encouraged to contact an attorney to learn more about protection and potential legal action. We offer free consultations and represent plaintiffs nationwide in a wide variety of class action claims.