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EPA Lead Reduction Strategy Open For Public Comment

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a new strategy to reduce lead in American homes, water, and soil. The lead reduction plan looks to revise lead reduction safety standards that a federal court earlier ordered the agency to review.

Thus, the EPA has developed the strategy to reduce lead exposure in communities, in order to limit the known effects on children’s intellect, attention disorders, and academic achievement.

The EPA is focusing on eliminating unsafe blood lead levels, and has entered a public comment period. The EPA is now working with various other federal agencies, states, tribes, territories, and local partners to address lead reduction priorities.

The Lyon Firm handles several types of toxic exposure cases, and is actively investigating lead exposure claims on behalf of plaintiffs nationwide. Joe Lyon has engaged negligent employers, landlords and others responsible for lead poisoning cases.

EPA Lead Reduction Plan

The EPA aims to reduce community lead exposures with a focus on lead “hot spots,” and heavily impacted communities. Not only is lead embedded in many homes and schools, but lead is still emitted at high levels from steel mills, incinerators, battery plants, and other industrial facilities.

Some aircraft still use leaded aviation fuel and produce significant air pollution in the United States. Lead is still used in American consumer products but is only regulated in children’s products.

Other potential sources of lead include:

  • Older homes and buildings
  • Soil in yards and playgrounds
  • Drinking water
  • Workplaces
  • Schools

Lead paint is still present in millions of American homes, usually under layers of newer paint. Lead-based paints may also be a health hazard if found on surfaces that children can access. Lead may enter drinking water through corrosion of plumbing materials. Homes built before 1986 may have lead pipes, fixtures and solder.

For more information on lead exposure and toxic tort litigation, contact Joe Lyon. The Lyon Firm offers free and confidential case reviews.


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