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Lyon Firm Files Diesel Spill Environmental Contamination Lawsuit

The Lyon Firm has filed a complaint, alleging negligence in a diesel fuel spill that resulted in widespread property damage. The Firm is experienced in filing property contamination cases locally and nationwide, including the recent Clinton Country diesel spill. If you have been impacted by an environmental disaster or industrial accident, contact us for a free consultation.

A diesel spill cleanup is underway in Clinton County in an attempt to limit the damage from 23,000 gallons of diesel fuel leaked into Dutch Creek. The Lyon Firm has been notified of the incident and is taking legal action along with local plaintiffs.

The complaint alleges R+L failed to properly design and operate fuel storage tanks, which leaked thousands of gallons of diesel fuel into surrounding waterways. Plaintiffs now have a potentially hazardous spill impacting their properties, with certain known toxins like benzene leaked into their property.

The trucking company could be liable for cleanup costs as well as costs related to long-term property contamination. R+L Carriers could potentially be responsible for the diesel spill, and Clinton County Emergency Management says the company may not have secured a safety port before filling its tank with fuel.

Residents who live downstream from the diesel spill are dismayed by the obvious water contamination and potential environmental repercussions related to the accident. Property damage is likely, and residents are encouraged to seek more information from The Lyon Firm for a case review.

Officials are wondering if R+L Carriers was compliant with EPA regulations which state a containment pond must have room to hold the same amount as the tank, plus room for rainwater. Locals are weighing the costs of cleanup and potential civil and criminal liability.

Joe Lyon represents plaintiffs in class action property contamination  lawsuits, and has experience in water and property damage litigation. Contact the firm for a free consultation.

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