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API Financial Solutions Data Breach Investigation

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The Lyon Firm is investigating data theft claims related to API Financial Solutions. Contact our legal team if you have received a letter or notice from API regarding a recent data security incident. Our lawyers can guide you through the legal process of filing a class action claim and help you understand what is at risk.

What Happened?

On September 29, 2023, API Financial Solutions filed a notice of data breach with the Attorney General of Maine after discovering that an unauthorized party allegedly hacked into the company’s IT network. API explains in their letters to impacted individuals that the incident resulted in a large amount of data compromised for possibly thousands of clients. The information leaked could include the following:

  • Names
  • Social Security numbers
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • Passport numbers
  • Financial account information

If you received a data breach notification from API Financial Solutions, you should begin to take steps to protect yourself from fraud and identity theft. Contact The Lyon Firm to learn more about your legal options, and what it means to seek compensation from negligent parties following a data security event.

What Caused the API Financial Data Breach?

The API data breach is still being investigated, but the notification letters outline the basics of what happened. API learned of a potential data security incident and believes it occurred on June 28, 2023. The most crucial fact is that personal data was accessed—and possibly acquired—and the files contained the sensitive information of thousands of individuals.

About API Financial Solutions

API Financial Solutions is an accounting services company based in Saint Peters, Missouri. They provide payroll, HR, employee benefit services and hiring services to corporate customers nationwide.

The Lyon Firm has extensive experience in the data privacy realm, and is currently involved in a number of data privacy, data theft, data breach and invasion of privacy cases. We represent plaintiffs nationwide and provide free consultations to any victim who wishes to take legal action following a data security negligence incident. Protect yourself and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.