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Ameriprise Financial Data Breach Investigation

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The Lyon Firm is actively involved in class action personal privacy and data theft cases and is currently investigating Ameriprise Financial data breach claims on behalf of plaintiffs nationwide. Contact our legal team to discuss your path forward. We are currently involved in a wide range of data privacy cases, and work diligently to find our clients compensation and justice. 

What happened at Ameriprise?

Ameriprise Financial has recently experienced a data breach incident in which the sensitive personal identifiable information in its systems may have been compromised. The company filed a notice of data breach with the Attorney General of Massachusetts after discovering that an unauthorized party accessed confidential customer information. Names, dates of birth, addresses, account info and Social Security numbers could have been leaked. An investigation is ongoing and new details may emerge.

Based in Minnesota, Ameriprise Financial is a wealth management and financial services provider that specializes in retirement planning, asset management, insurance, annuities, and estate planning. Ameriprise has thousands of employees and manages more than $1.2 trillion for over 2 million individual, institutional, and business clients.


On January 12, 2024, Ameriprise Financial began notifying individuals whose information may have been impacted. More details should be included in the data breach notification letters sent to those impacted. The type of information exposed may include:

  • Social Security number
  • Account number
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address

Joe Lyon is a highly-rated data breach lawyer and Privacy Attorney representing plaintiffs nationwide in class action security breach lawsuits. We represent plaintiffs in all fifty states, and offer free consultations. Learn more about your next steps following a data security incident and weigh your legal options. Class action data breach lawsuits can compensate victims for damages and hold negligent parties accountable for their actions or inaction.