Exxon Oil Refinery Mesothelioma Claims
Employers must provide a safe work environment for employees managing hazardous materials.
Mesothelioma: Oil Refineries
Asbestos workers with years of exposure have an 8% to 13% risk on average of developing mesothelioma. The chances of which increases with more years of exposure. Longer and more intense exposure means a higher likelihood of inhaling asbestos fibers.
These fibers can get stuck in the lungs and other tissues and over time, they cause inflammation and genetic damage. Long-term oil refinery workers’ asbestos levels put them at greater risk of lung cancer.
Joseph Lyon has years of experience pursuing wrongful death claims due to companies like Exxon. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Lyon Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, asbestos, and oil refinery claims. Reach out if you’d like us to pursue your case online or at (513) 381-2333.
Asbestos in Oil Refineries Owned by Exxon & Co.
In 2008, Merle Sandy, a former Exxon refinery worker, was awarded $700,000 after developing mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure. This came after Sandy worked for just 5 short years at the company as its maintenance manager. Little did Sandy know, the damage by then had been done.
It would take three long years for Sandy to prove they knew they signed his death warrant. But it’s that precedent that allows us to seek ligation for damages from Exxon to this day.
You see, asbestos is found in almost every inch of refineries built before the 90s. The oil refining industry, like many others, contained highly flammable materials and required powerful insulation materials to protect its employees from heat-producing equipment.
Oil refineries were among the many using asbestos to insulate pipes, furnaces, generators, ovens, and other flammable materials. Many employees of Exxon regularly encountered asbestos on the job, yet some weren’t given the benefit of protective gear.
The time for these diseases to show is particularly long – typically spawning 20 to 50 years from the initial exposure to the onset of symptoms. This delay means that many workers who were exposed to asbestos decades ago are only now being diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer.
As a result of these dire health consequences, numerous oil refinery workers and their families brought wrongful death claims against the companies responsible for their asbestos exposure.
“Mr. Joe Lyon went above and beyond what was necessary to help me through every step of my wrongful death lawsuit. Showing actual concern and empathy for my situation. All I can say is thank you for everything.”
Representing Oil Refinery Workers’ Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Claims
Plaintiffs argue that companies like Exxon were aware of the dangers of oil refineries with asbestos but failed to take adequate measures to protect their workers. This includes failing to provide protective equipment, inadequate training, and insufficient efforts to remove or contain asbestos.
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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.
The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.
Oil Refinery Workers: Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Symptoms
If you suspect your loved one was poisoned by Exxon’s poor working practices, these are the symptoms you’ll need to look out for.
The first sign of these diseases is usually a persistent cough or shortness of breath, often mistaken for less severe respiratory conditions. As the diseases progress, symptoms become more severe and debilitating.
Chest pain and difficulty breathing intensify, significantly impacting the patient’s quality of life. Unexplained weight loss and fatigue are common as the body’s ability to function deteriorates. Difficulty swallowing and swelling in the face or arms may indicate advanced disease stages.
Once the disease has progressed this far, it has a median survival rate of about 12 to 21 months from diagnosis. Early detection and aggressive treatment can improve outcomes, but these diseases remain challenging to treat effectively.
Mesothelioma Oil Refineries: What it Takes to File a Successful Lawsuit
It’s important to start documenting employer negligence when it starts. Simple things like failure to create a safe working environment are considered employer negligence and liable for a claim. Find out your options by reaching out to us online or at (513) 381-2333.
Usually, legal representation for these claims often involves extensive investigation and documentation. Make sure to:
Gather Medical Documentation
To file a successful mesothelioma lawsuit, you’ll need to gather comprehensive medical documentation. This includes obtaining pathology reports that confirm the mesothelioma diagnosis of your loved one.
These reports should detail the type and stage of mesothelioma, providing a clear medical basis for your claim. Imaging scans such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs will validate the extent of the disease.
Statements from your physicians, particularly those who specialize in oncology and pulmonology, are also essential. These experts can provide insights into how asbestos exposure led to your loved one’s condition.
Document Your Employment History
Make sure to document your loved one’s asbestos exposure history as much as you can.
This involves compiling detailed evidence of their work history at the oil refinery. Collect employment records, pay stubs, and any other documents that prove their time at the refinery.
Outline their job duties and specific instances where they were exposed to asbestos. Witness statements from co-workers who can confirm their exposure are invaluable. This helps establish the link between their employment and asbestos exposure.
Gather Co-worker & Witness Testimonies
Statements from former or current colleagues who witnessed the asbestos exposure can corroborate your claims. These testimonies can provide firsthand accounts of the working conditions and the presence of asbestos in the refinery.
Your loved one’s co-workers can also attest to the lack of safety measures and protective equipment provided by the employer. Such testimonies can strengthen your case by adding credibility and supporting evidence to your claims.
Having multiple witnesses can make a significant difference in proving the extent of exposure and negligence.
File Within the Statues of Limitations
Filing for your claim can be limited by something called the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations sets the maximum time after an event within which legal proceedings may be initiated. Missing this deadline can result in your case being dismissed, regardless of its merits.
For a mesothelioma personal injury claim, that statute can range from one to six years. Mesothelioma death claims usually have shorter statutes of limitations, ranging from one to three years.
Prompt action ensures your right to seek compensation is preserved. Your attorney will help you understand the specific time limits in your state and ensure that your case is filed on time.

Why Choose the Lyon Firm?
Oil production plants contain massive amounts of insulated piping that connect manufacturing and storage tanks. When the material broke down over time, however, workers were put at higher risk of ingesting or inhaling the toxic dust. And that inhalation can change their lives forever.
Victims of toxic exposure at the workplace have the option of filing a suit against those responsible for their injury or illness. Our lawyers can review your case and determine the best line of legal action on behalf of you and your family.
Our lawyers have 17 years of experience and over 3 million won in cases like yours. We’ve represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
We also operate on contingency fees. This means we’re willing to bear all costs of the litigation and accept the full financial risk. Allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing stress while they focus on their other needs.
So don’t suffer in silence. Let us help you. Reach out online or by phone at (513) 381-2333.
Questions about Exxon Oil Refinery Asbestos Exposure
To file an asbestos claim, gather comprehensive medical documentation that confirms your mesothelioma diagnosis, including pathology reports and imaging scans.
Document your work history at the oil refinery, collect employment records, and obtain witness statements from co-workers who can confirm your asbestos exposure.
Our contingency fees and experience in this particular area of employer negligence make us experts in Asbestos claims. And studies show clients receive higher payouts when they recruit a legal representative for their claims.
We have a proven track record, having represented clients in every state and secured significant settlements.
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen, or heart. It is primarily caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, which can cause inflammation and genetic damage over time.
Yes, you can receive compensation for medical expenses related to your mesothelioma or lung cancer. Successful lawsuits can cover medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other financial impacts caused by your illness.
Our attorneys can help you pursue these claims and secure the compensation you deserve.
The Lyon Firm aggressively, professionally, and passionately advocates for injured individuals and families against companies due to asbestos exposure.
Asbestos (Mesothelioma)
Asbestos (Mesothelioma)
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