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PFAS Bandages Lead to Class Action Lawsuit

The toxic exposure and consumer protection lawyers at The Lyon Firm are reviewing ongoing litigation surrounding PFAS bandages, and potentially hazardous substances in a wide range of other consumer products.

A recent class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of plaintiffs, claiming some Walgreens bandages contain PFAS and failed to disclose this to shoppers. The complaint alleges that if consumers had known that the bandages contained the forever chemical, they never would have purchased them.

Mamavation’s EPA-certified laboratory also tested 40 types of bandages from Band-Aid, Rite Aid, Target, CVS Health, and Walmart’s Equate, and found levels of PFAS in several brands.

Read More About PFAS In Consumer Products HERE.

Understanding the PFAS Bandages Class Action Lawsuit

Recently, a plaintiff in Illinois filed the class action complaint against Walgreens Boots Alliance, alleging violations of state and federal consumer laws for failing to properly disclose certain chemicals contained in products on the shelf. The products in question were Walgreens’ flexible fabric bandages, and the chemicals are PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).

Walgreens marketed the bandages as sterile and safe while concealing the presence of potentially harmful substances with known health risks. PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment and the human body. PFAS chemicals have been linked to various health issues, including cancer, liver damage, and high blood pressure.

According to the Walgreens PFAS bandages lawsuit, an independent laboratory tested the adhesive flap and absorbent pad of several bandages and found markers for PFAS. Mamavation’s EPA-certified laboratory uses a specific lab method used to test for total fluorine was the Determination of Total Fluorine by Oxygen Flask Combustion and Ion-Selective Electrode.

Plaintiffs say that if consumers had been informed about the presence of PFAS, perhaps they would have thought twice about purchasing the bandages, or would have paid less for them.

The plaintiff is suing for breach of warranty, breach of Illinois consumer laws, fraud and unjust enrichment. Walgreens is also facing a separate class action lawsuit alleging its benzoyl peroxide acne treatment products contain some levels of benzene.

Which Consumer Products Contain PFAS?

Unfortunately, this class of forever chemicals are found in not only our bandages, but also in textiles, furniture, firefighting foam, food packaging, carpets, fabrics, waterproofing, cookware, makeup and other personal care items, processed foods, drinking water, contact lenses and dental floss.

Some of the possible negative health effects associated with different PFAS forever chemicals include the following:

  • Reduction in immunity
  • Reduced vaccination responses
  • Increased risk of allergies & asthma in children
  • Affected growth, learning, and behavior
  • Increase cholesterol
  • Metabolic diseases like obesity & diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Lowered female and male fertility
  • Increased risk of kidney & testicular cancers
  • Causes endocrine disruption
  • Disrupted normal thyroid function
  • Increases risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children