Sun Life Financial Data Breach Investigation
The Lyon Firm is currently involved in numerous MOVEit file transfer ransomware attack cases. The Sun Life Financial data breach, recently disclosed, is yet another victim of the security event. Contact our legal team if you have been impacted by the Sun Life breach or another related incident.
What Happened at Sun Life Financial?
Pension Benefit Information, a company that provides audit and address research services for insurance companies, used MOVEit file transfer software that was hacked by a ransomware group in late May 2023. Hundreds of entities and tens of millions of individuals were impacted by the incident. Sun Life is another victim of the attack, noting that personal data and financial data may have been compromised.
In a data breach notification letter to the Maine Attorney General, the company said the following: “On behalf of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and certain of its affiliates, and the following customers: Union Security Insurance Company, CMFG Life Insurance Company, United Healthcare, and Continental American Insurance Company (Aflac), we hereby provide a supplement to our initial notice of a security breach involving Pension Benefit Information, LLC (“PBI”), a service provider of Sun Life.”
Over 212,000 individuals that were linked to Sun Life Financial may have had their personal information impacted by the incident. Victims and plaintiffs nationwide can learn more about their legal options by contacting an experienced data breach lawyer. Our data privacy attorneys provide free consultations and file class action claims on a contingency basis at no cost to plaintiffs.
We believe that companies that collect and store your personal data have a duty to protect it and should they fail due to negligent security systems, they may be held accountable. By filing a class action data breach lawsuit, you may be able to recover rightful compensation and seek justice for any losses you may have incurred.
Data theft events often lead to fraud and identity theft, and it is important for victims of a data breach to remain vigilant for any unusual activity on any financial accounts. Contact The Lyon Firm to discuss your legal options.