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seat belt seat belt seat belt seat belt seat belt seat belt

Product Liability Case Examples

Cincinnati Product Liability Lawyer Joe Lyon Describes a Product Liability Case from His Practice

Product liability law in Ohio holds anyone in the chain of a product’s distribution liable for injuries caused by a product’s harmful defect, not merely the original manufacturer. Therefore, any company marketing and selling defective products may be held liable for injuries caused as a result of specific defects, even when a distributor had no knowledge of the defect at the time the equipment was sold.

Product liability claims are often complex and require careful investigation, expert testimony, and attorneys experienced in product liability legal procedure. The Lyon Firm can assist you in evaluating any case and carry you through the legal process with patience and reliability.

To learn more about the process of pursuing a product liability case, please call the attorneys at The Lyon Firm. You will speak to an experienced Product Liability Lawyer about your case.

Joe Lyon is a highly-rated Cincinnati, Ohio product liability attorney with experience litigating a wide variety of claims. Mr. Lyon represents plaintiffs nationwide in Cincinnati product liability lawsuits against companies designing and manufacturing defective products.

“A large part of my practice involves product liability cases. One of the first complex product liability cases I was ever involved in occurred in Mansfield, Ohio. The primary issue of the case involved a seat belt buckle called the Gen 3 seat belt buckle, which was manufactured by Chrysler. The seat belt buckle was placed into many of their mini-vans and certain jeep models.

“What was alleged in the case was that the button on the seat belt buckle extended above the casing. As a result, a couple of issues could happen. One, during an accident sequence a hand, elbow, or object could hit the button, which would inadvertently release the latch plate from the buckle. Or two, the latch plate could be inserted underneath this button and wedged into what is known as a false-latch situation.

“In this particular case we were representing a 14-year-old boy who was riding to the airport with his father and his grandmother. A young lady ran a stop sign causing a very high velocity impact, and the seat belt, according to our experts, unlatched during the accident sequence. He suffered a horrific brain injury and catastrophic facial deformity that changed his life forever.

“As a result of this case, which was a confidential settlement, we were able to secure a certain amount of money that was able to help him move forward, attain the type of educational classes that he needed, attain the plastic surgery he needed, that otherwise would not have been accessible to him. I’m very proud of the work that we did on that early case, I’m proud of the fact that I was able to work with my father, who is also a lawyer at a different firm on that case. I’m also proud of the success that the young man has had as he’s moved forward in life.

“If you or a family member have some suspicion that an automotive product may have contributed to an injury to you or your family, please give me a call. I’m able to research these issues very efficiently, we have access to some of the best experts in the United States that can evaluate these claims, and we can get some answers to you. If it turns out that there is a defect in a product that contributed to the injury, then we will fight to get the type of compensation that will make a difference in your life.”

Defective Consumer Product Lawsuits

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) both attempt to protect the public from health risks of injury associated with the use of consumer products, pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

They try to ensure the safety of products that commonly pose dangers like children’s toys, cribs, heaters, power tools, sports equipment, auto components, kitchen appliances, medical devices and prescription drugs. Common injuries that result in product recalls may include:

  • Fire-related burns and injuries
  • Choking, suffocation and strangulation
  • Fall or crush injuries
  • Electrocution
  • Food Poisoning
  • Drowning
  • Lacerations
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Toxic Exposure

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a defective product and have questions about the root cause and the legal remedies available to improve quality of life and medical care in Ohio, contact The Lyon Firm at (800) 513-2403. You will speak directly with Mr. Lyon, a product liability lawyer, and he will help you answer the critical questions surrounding your product liability case.

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