Blitz Gas Cans | Fire & Burn Hazards
Blitz Gas Can Explosions
In years past, Walmart settled numerous claims involving Blitz gas can accidents, when the gas canisters allegedly catch fire, explode and cause serious burn injury. Consumers across the nation have allegedly suffered injuries in portable gas can explosions, according to product liability attorneys and injured consumers. In 2013, Walmart agreed to contribute around $25 million to settle unresolved litigation filed on behalf of consumers allegedly injured or killed in explosions involving portable plastic gas cans.
Walmart is the largest seller of plastic gas cans in the country, and over the years has sold millions of portable Blitz gas cans. Blitz was the nation’s largest manufacturer of plastic gas cans, but is now bankrupt. Even so, injured consumers can still seek legal assistance following burn injury and gas can accidents.
Joe Lyon is an experiencedproduct liability attorneyandburn accidentlawyer representing plaintiffs nationwide following Blitz gas can accidents.
Defective Gas Can Explosions
Blitz gas can lawsuits allege that Blitz knowingly sold a defective product, capable of exploding without proper warning and safety devices, known as flame arresters. A flame arrester is a piece of mesh or a disk with small holes punctured in it. They are regularly used on safety gas cans, bottles of lighter fluid, and in fuel storage systems.
Flame arresters could make a gas can safer for consumers, but would have cost more for the company and cut into their bottom line. According to some in the industry, a flame arrester can reduce the likelihood of an explosion by absorbing and dispersing heat within the canister.
Blitz and other manufacturers have argued that burn injuries and gas can accidents are all simply the fault of the consumer and assume no responsibility. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has encouraged manufacturers to produce gas cans with flame arresters. Flame arresters, in many cases, keep external flames outside gasoline containers from passing into the container.

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Joseph Lyon has 17 years of experience representing individuals in complex litigation matters. He has represented individuals in every state against many of the largest companies in the world.
The Firm focuses on single-event civil cases and class actions involving corporate neglect & fraud, toxic exposure, product defects & recalls, medical malpractice, and invasion of privacy.
The Firm offers contingency fees, advancing all costs of the litigation, and accepting the full financial risk, allowing our clients full access to the legal system while reducing the financial stress while they focus on their healthcare and financial needs.
Blitz Gas Can Accidents
Portable red gas cans can explode when exposed to heat and flames. This may not come as a shock to most consumers, though accidents can sneak up when a small amount of gasoline is left in the canister and there is a build-up of gas vapor in the canister. When gas vapor comes into contact with a spark, it may cause the vapor to ignite, leading to a flashback and the gas can may explode.
The lack of clear, readable warnings on the Blitz gas cans has been a point of contention for product liability lawyers and the defendants. There is also a lack of child-resistant caps on the cans.
According to lawsuits, the companies named as defendants in multiple lawsuits failed to conduct safety testing after the burn injury reports from consumers, saying the responsibility to test the product they sell is on the producers. But they continued to sell the products, knowing they were dangerous. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has records of at least 11 deaths and 1,200 emergency room visits involving gas can explosions since 1998.
Do I Have a Burn Injury Case?
Many burn hazard lawsuits and product liability cases have had a positive impact on public health and safety, and we have witnessed improved lives and future injuries prevented as companies are forced to remove products and change designs and warnings as a result of taking legal action.
Who is at fault when a product causes injury?
Product defect lawsuits often contain causes of action for strict liability, negligence, and breach of warranty. In short, if a product is determined to be defective by a court of law, the company is liable for any foreseeable injuries that are in-part caused by the defective condition of the product. Following a serious injury, contact an attorney to review your case.
What is a design defect?
Experts and attorneys review a few factors when determining the risks associated with the design of a product like gas cans: (1) the magnitude of the risk of burn injury; (2) ordinary consumer awareness of the risk for burn injury; (3) the likelihood of causing burn injury; (4) the violation of a private or public safety standard; and (5) the consumer’s expectation of the performance of the product and level of explosion danger.
Can I sue for an improper product warning?
Yes. To determine whether a product is defective due to inadequate warnings or instructions, evidence must be presented to prove:
- The manufacturer knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known about a possible risk
- A reasonable manufacturer would have provided a warning of the potential risks
- The manufacturer failed to provide a readable and accessible warning
- A consumer was injured due to a lack of proper warning.
Have Gas cans been recalled?
There are thousands of recalls each year involving dangerous consumer products, but in most cases consumers are unaware that the product they purchased has been recalled. Some gas cans have been recalled, and others have not. But any product that causes injury, whether recalled or not, can be the subject of a product liability claim.
Does The Lyon Firm Handle Defective Gas Can Claims ?
Our Firm has the experience, resources and dedication to take on difficult and emotional burn injury cases and we will help our clients obtain compensation and justice for the wrong and physical harm they have suffered.
Joe Lyon is an experienced Cincinnati Product Liability and Burn Injury Lawyer. The Lyon Firm has years of experience and success representing individuals and plaintiffs in all fifty states, and in a variety of complex product recall and defective product litigation.
Many consumer products on the market present burn injury hazards for adults and children. Cheap and defective, and poorly designed products may pose fire and burn risks. The manufacturers of consumer products have a duty to foresee potential injury and properly test products before they are released to the public.
Companies must also properly warn consumers of any risks associated with their products. Any failure to protect consumers that results in accidents and burn injury can lead to lawsuits filed by plaintiffs and their product liability lawyer

Burn Injury Settlements
Following a burn injury or an explosion accident, The Lyon Firm aggressively, professionally, and passionately advocates for injured individuals and families to obtain just compensation under the law.
Litigation Involving Explosions
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